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Help with Simmons Skis!

Bowhead XTX

Jan 13, 2010
I just bought a pair of their skis and just wondering how other people set there's up like 6"bar inside and a 4" out side. Just looking for a little help. I was wanting to see if i should buy 6' bars to cause all i got with them is 4" bars. I also have a 152 studs in my XTX.

like Ive said...6 inside and 4 outside if you choose that combo...if not run the 4's.....put both bushings outside...a thin washer inside between the the mount and spindle to prevent wear...center hole...
I have Simmon's Gen I's on my sled with V2 mounts and the ski bolt thru the forward hole. I run the 6" cutting carbides on the outside and 4" on the inside - although I don't believe this makes a bit of difference unless you're riding on ice.

I like these skis on the Nytro with the front strap pulled up 3-holes and zero front shock preload.
Im assuming arteeex the straps pulled up are for more ski pressure...you do realize the forward hole has the least turning force/affect..so in affect you could move to the rear hole for more agressive bit and loosen the limiter for more suspension travel
I pulled the strap up one more hole because the Simmons are lower profile - or at least ride lower in the snow than the stockers and I want to load the rear axle. I first tried the rear mounting hole (how do you say this without it sounding nasty?) and it seemed to be less planted for me. I know Simmons recommends this for machines with the heavy front ends but I didn't care for that setting. The 1/2" difference in ski bolt position was noticeable in a positive way - the V2 mount only has the two positions.

The Simmon's skis went on over the summer and I have fiddled with the setup some this season but for the last 1000-miles or so it's been as described and this works well for me. I even have witnesses to confirm this claim. I know setups and handling theories are all personal, but eventually you've got to quit messing with the thing and just train yourself to hang on and go with it.
IMHO you'd see a noticeable improvement in ride by letting that strap out ....I personally didint care for the forward hole...the middle seems just right...
Sj are you going to be around Monday by chance maybe we can hook up and you so teach me what to do with my suspension since all I do is read about it and it just seems Greek to me! Thanks for all the Help!
