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Hi-LOw Beam switch button


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Anchorage, Ak.
2009 Viking
2006 ApxMtn-sold
2001 MtnMax-sold
1998 VMAX 500-totalled
I boke mine so I went into my dealer to get a new one - $128. You have to buy the whole thing. Not gonna happen right now and I could see it getting broke again. So I start thinking about putting it on a tongle switch on the dash board. Anybody done this? What wires do I look for and would it take a special type of tongle switch?


David :yam:
Thinking I remember seeing this button available by itself as is the kill switch button. Check with Kevin at Port Yamaha before you cut up your factory wiring.
a previous member was looking for just the button piece also and believe he contacted Kevin from portyamaha and he also mentioned the part number. You can pm portyamaha on this site and or see if you can find the previous members post.
You can definitely get just the button! I have, and it only cost around 5 bucks. It just snaps in.
Sent Kevin an e-mail. Thxs. guys.

it is part number 8GL-82526-09-00 and it retails for $6.56. Got this from Kevin at Port.

Thxs alot Kevin.

David :yam:
Depending upon which side your are replacing - the left side the dimmer button or the right side the engine stop button - you need to split the plastic housing it is in half or on the left side remove the housing from the brake assembly - there are two phillips screws that split the housing in half or remove it from the brake assembly - from there you will need to remove some smaller phillips screws to reveal the actual switch assembly - remove them and pull the switch assembly out and as you remove/install it from the main housing it has a grove that the dimmer/engine stop button hooks into as you slide the switch in or out. Hope this info helps - it really is quite easy to do once you have it in your hands.
Thanks for the detail

Thank you for the instruction. Everything worked out perfectly.

I was worried I would have all kinds of little springs/parts flying out at me when opening the housing. It was a piece of cake and just like you said.
