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How do you take the gauges off?

Remove goggle bag or vent. Reach up inside and squeeze clips and pull gauge aft at the same time. Look inSide there and you will also see your headlight adjuster screw.
Back side of guage is round with 4 clips clocked at approximately 2, 4, 8 and 10
I just took my windshield off, and then took the hood off.
I then separated the pod from the hood assembly by removing some screws.
Gauge cluster comes off easy once you can see the 4 plastic tabs that need to be pinched to allow the cluster removal.
Unhook wiring.

My gauge assembly was loose so I had to see the whole thing to repair it.
Added some 130C rubber tape to the gauge housing and snapped the gauges back in! Primo!
I got it out. Now I need to try and dry the gauges out. You would think it would be sealed better than what it is. Once I get it dry hopefully everything will work, I will seal it tight myself.
