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how old are you APEX/ATTACK riders

I am 42. (what the hell is "the year of the answer"?)
07 Apex GT 3300miles (lowest 2 year total since I started at 17)
Hygear dual rate springs and revalve all the way around (AWESOME)
Simmons Flexi skis
14mm sway bar
06 bars for real heat (Most neccesary mod)

Now she is right where I like it!
47 and still sport morning wood. Own 2 Apex's,,wouldn't give"m up for anything,,,,except for an updated one later on down the road.
31. Just bought my first 4-stroke back in October and Im loving it so far. Its an awesome sled. 3000 miles this season!!! Now its over, oh well. It was fun. I hope we get this much snow up in Wisconsin again! Over 100 inches this winter! Unbelievable.

Ive been riding since 2000. I had a 2-smoke SRX. No regrets whatsoever of selling that sled!
37 - Attak GT w/revalved (firm) EC shock. Been riding since I was 8, and I NEVER rode drunk :Rockon:
39 and I have been riding on sleds since I was 5. I started driving when I was 10.
55 and like the songs say's "18 till I die"
Riding 07 Apex and Attack GT's next fall 09 Nytro RTX SE, this is my second year snowmobiling, first year riding the trails.
42 2 06 gt's. had rear shock valved to 08 specs on both and they handle even better,have it done and put in the 08 spring also. revalving puts more rebound in shock and new spring is stiffer. ;)!
59 here..Am I the oldest ? I don't want to look at all the posts... I love the ATTAK. I was going so fast around a corner I feel off last week..near the end of a 170mi. ride. lucky for me I was going only about 5mph or so.
CaptCaper said:
59 here..Am I the oldest ? I don't want to look at all the posts... I love the ATTAK. I was going so fast around a corner I feel off last week..near the end of a 170mi. ride. lucky for me I was going only about 5mph or so.

Snorover said:
71 and still excited!!!

skidud said:

whitedust1 said:
61 & thinking XTX.

bigdog_mike said:
Lets just say that I'm older that dirt

yamadog1 said:
61 grey hair,balding, little over weight, but i still giver

boone said:
67 yrs starting to slow down 06 Apex Gt 10,000 plus mi. :4STroke:

CaptCaper your far from it!!!
