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How tough is YOUR Nytro???

Johnny Five

Jan 9, 2008
Lombardy, Ontario
Yamaha SR Viper RTX LE
O.K. Firstly, I realize that you guys that are having front end damage from impacts from the front are in a different ballgame here...However, On friday night at midnight (no I wasn't drunk), I was following a buddy on a snowy ride (poor visibility, no excuse), I was not familiar with the trail and admittedly made a BAD decision. You see, I went a "little wide" on a corner and another buddy tried to take me on the inside with his polaris 700 (which I constantly hand his #*$&@ to) and since I wasn't about to let that happen, I punched it and started to "sweep"back to the trail. Well, as it happens there was a bridge on my left side and I was on the wrong side of the railing edge!!! I think you can guess what's about to happen. I am up to about 60 mph. and I realize there is a very large drainage ditch right in front of me (15 feet deep and at least 20 feet across). I am a dirtbiker so that wouldn't normally bother be but, there is no lip on the edge, in fact it rolled down (on both sides, luckily). I had to make a split decision and I luckily decided to punch it!!! I didn't know until after but the skis lifted right out of the deep snow and kept the front end upwards across the ditch. The impact was hard enough to black me out. PS. There were 3 sleds coming behind me. I apparently went over the handlebars off the right side of the sled. My left arm and leg caught the bars and bent them upwards only slightly.

As soon as I finished flying (about 20 feet past the sled, which did not roll), I scampered back to the sled on my hands and knees, as I saw head lights coming fast. Fortunately, the guy behind me saw my headlight upwards and figured something was very wrong, and he and the rest slammed on the brakes, they got stopped about 30 feet from catastrophy. I ached all over but, but was VERY happy to be conscious, not bleeding, and have no broken bones! I was stiff, but figured that was a good price for my stupidity!!!

We all went over and looked at the scene, everyone freaked out! They couldn't believe what we were looking at, the distance across, the depth, the track with no skis showing in the snow. Of course the questions all flew, What the hell happened. Since I am quick with smart #*$&@ coments, I said, she's a Yamaha, I wouldn't advise that with anything else!!

Inside I knew I was lucky to still be alive!!!! or at least not requiring an ambulance!

There were no rocks on the other side and no, I didn't "clear" it! I landed about 3/4's up it on the other side, basically a bottom impact! the front end probably didn't get much of a hit at all, the skid took most of it.. It was dark so, we didn't get pictures, but, I hope never to make that error in judgement again!!

Anyhow, someone said how's the sled?? And I then stopped thinking "man am I lucky" and switched quickly to "holy sh_t, I hope my sled isn't screwed"? We walked back to it (about 50 feet) and the key was still on but sled was off. It Didn't take long to find the kill switch activated. I breathed a sigh of realief as she fired up instantly. The was some growling as I tried to move her forward which turned out to be ice! The only thing that I could find (I put it in my buddy's shop to do some measuring) was a bend handlebar!!

I couldn't believe she could take a hit like that, I am very happy with my sled.

On a side note, I have done lots of stuff to my sled, most of which I learned from you folks. I was a doo rider for years, but ride yami in the dirt. So decided to make the leap and will never look back. Lets see: ulmer clutch kit, C&A razors, 136 ext kit, 1.5 ripsaw, red wheels (extras too), 4th wheel on rear, med black windshield, red belly pan protector, graphite slides, Ultra Q, God I can't even think of all the little things I have done, anyways I haven't lost in a drag race yet, this thing pulls like a scared rabbit. My buddy has the 40th apex ltx and he can catch me at about 90, but that's not my race!

Anyhow, I just thought I tell everyone how impressed/happy I am with my FX Nytro RTX Anniversary Edition, still in one piece, comfy as hell, quick as lightning, awesome looking, Machine!

P.S. I had to ride home about 50 miles, which hurt like hell on corners as I was very weak and the steering is heavy, but, it gave me time to think about what I would tell my fiancee, she briefly thought I should sell it, but I wiggled out of that. I have a boat that does over 120 mph yes MPH, so blowing it over is always a possiblity, what's that famous saying, read it out loud boys and girls "if you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space!" Now say it again with conviction!

Have a SAFE Ride! Don't be a Johnny Five!

Later, J5 :4STroke: :yam:

Gripping tale man...Glad you're okay, and the sled too.

Night riding can be very tricky, especially when there is snow dust from the sled in front of you. Your visibility is so limited, and as you alluded too, not knowing the trail makes it worse.

I've done something similar in the past and I know what a fright it can be.

Take care out there guys...Don't out ride your headlight.

Again, glad you made it out without serious injury and thanks for sharing the story.
Glad you're ok, and man, don't do THAT again. My sled took multiple hits to the front end this weekend and I'll be pulling it down to the shop sometime this week to have a look.
Holy crap, anybody price handlebars??? $196, I hope they come with the grips all ready on them...

Does anyone know if you can put a 2" riser on without extending your cables and wires???

Thanks again

I did something very similar on my old SX and "made" it. No damage or injuries. I got bucked into a superman on landing on the other side but rode it out. That was the last time I rode without my helmet strapped.
Very good post! I hope everybody can learn from that, and I'm glad to hear you only had a lesson handed to you! I'm sure we've all had close calls from time to time, and It always lingers in the back of my mind at just how close that last one was, and how close is the next one going to be??!!!
Good thing to hear that everything will ride another day, and that you are okay.
Great story! I rolled mine on the lake at about 40 with only 62 miles on it . I was setting up for a jump and probably blipped the throttle while still in a turn(no studs) and whamo I high sided and watched my sled roll about three times. I was glad it threw me the other way! there was plastic parts every where the kill switch was smashed to bits and the hand guard was in about four pieces and the windshield popped off. now my bars are a little low on the kill switch side but, other than that the sled is fine. that was a big hit it flew about five feet in the air on the first roll. so i got it studded the next day. i say it's a tough sled!!!
not as tough as you think

I purchased a 40th edition nytro FX RTX Feb 16 and got over 600 miles on it before we lost our snow on Sunday. At 300 miles I twisted my subframe terrible. The Right ski rides about 4 inches in front of the left with the left spindle standing straight up and the right spindle laying over hard. How did I do it? Get this...I know we have all done it before...I was riding thru some tight timbers at 15 to 20 mph...tight winding trail...and got crowded in a sharp right and pushed out to the left bank. My ski slid up the bank and the outside (about where the spindle attaches to the ski) smacked a tree while turned sharply to the right. I barely felt the impact and was directed right back on to the trail. 15-20mph is about the slowest we ride...we are usually chasing each others tail on the trail at 60 to 70 mph. How could a low speed bump do that much damage to my front end? I know at least 3 ocassions that I did that on my 03 Firecat at much higher speeds. I called Yamaha and they played stupid. I have been reading these posts and I know I am not alone here.

So do I put a new "weak" subframe from the factory or wait for a better subframe to be sold. (I know a couple companies are working on a stronger light weight subframe). What are the chances Yamaha will admit this is a problem and update it? Dreaming, I know.
This past weekend we were in Escanaba (Nobody should ever ride there, but that is a different story) and had to ride the shoulders because the trails heading north/east were closed. I was on the shoulder at about a 15-20 degree angle with trees on my right side, only doing about 15-20 mph. Well...I hit something and the next thing I knew I was heading right for the trees and got blasted off my sled (Editors note...I should have listened to my friends and bought a TekVest). I didn't know what really happened and couldn't move for a few minutes. I knew I hit the tree with my chest (ribs) and side and was in a lot of pain. Everybody was rushing to see if I was ok and I crawled out from the trees to the snowbank. The first thing I saw was my left ski riding up a tree and almost verticle...instantly thought bent spindle. After they knew I was 'ok' they pulled the sled from the tree and started going over it to see what the damage was.....ripped gauntlet, broken hand guard mount, thottle body rotated down....broken gauge pod....NO BENT SPINDLE!!!!! I was so surprised! Everything considering, it turned out as good as can be expected. A+ for Yami in my book.....now I just have to go to the doctors to get some pain pills.
tough nytro

hi i'm mike im from ste-adele quebec i own a 2008 rtx nytro im happy to hear that your ok and nobody got hurt.BUT something you wrote doesnt feel good you say he tried to take me on the inside with his polaris i hope you were on aracetrack if you're riding on a trailat midnight somebody else could be riding at that time alwas tell yourself if i'm here somebody else can be there.i know at night we see the lights but with snowdust a, . right hand turn ,trees.i dont want to diss you but i hope a never come across acouple riders who thinks their racers because they baught a MXZX or NYTRO RTX. race on a race track. going fast in the twisties is one thing but two in the same corner.....i' m glad youre ok but i hope you learned your lesson. i dont post alot ,but read alot, i couldnt help myself.. my 2 cents mike
