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I dont know if i like it or not!!!

Yep, all the excitement is over on the Arctic Cat site. They actually released something new for 2012. And I have an Apex.
HRD...you're such a pot-stirrer!! It's called complacency that we got nuthin new this year!! The CALM after the HYPE and buildup..then, nuthin! hahaha. WHy do you go to the Cat, Doo, and Poo sites..they're all buzzin with their new stuff.

Besides, everything about the current Apex line has been talked about since 2006 and the Nytro line since 2008. So what else is there to discuss?......think you'll have to wait another year before the discussion about the "new" power steering and "new" EXUP start kicking around. I use quotes on those words because Yamaha calls them "new" but they are really not new technologies. That reminds me, I am going next week to buy a truck with "new" rounder wheels......hahaha.
:tg: :tg: That's all little better now! My job is done.What I ment by my post is I thought the moderators got rid of some other posts that were continually bashing against yamaha sleds and what they didn't do this year ect. This is a yamaha site and I think the moderators let alot off people express there opinions against yamahas to the point it gets to be the same bashing over and over again. All that I know is I love this site ever since day one when I found it and I don't what nothing to change it even if I'm on another brand someday god forbid (ditch pickle maybe)I wouldn't care if it was ten times better than a yamaha just have a little respect on this site and for others because sleds will come and go but this site rocks!!! Now that being said spike I heard you liked or needed more than a quarter? Na, just kidding I liked your reply keep um coming.

peace! ;)!
Agreed! I may end up with a yellow or green machine in the garage at some point, but Yamaha would do well to push TY as a sales point. The "regulars" on here are more helpful, and knowledgeable, about the sleds than the dealerships I've dealt with on service issues.
I agree that some dealerships are way better than others, no matter what sled they are selling. I think Yamaha could get themselves a great reputation over the other brands if thier dealer network was first class and the local reps were consistant across the land, with the B.S. statement "I've never heard of that problem" not ever spoken by them. Not sure what it all takes to be a sled dealership, but if Yammi set the bar higher than the other manufacturers do, it would be a feather in Yammi's cap.
Everyone's hot for cat this year simply for the newest factor. Not one new motor yet some how their line up is the savior of snowmobiling. I don't get drawn into hype from any brand. Let cat have their moment in the sun. After the fervor dies down, the real story always comes out.
The mods over on dootalk seem close to a nervous breakdown coraling the green wave of hysteria. :drink:
That's what I'm talking about!The boys over in doo camp are number 1 in the snow mobile world for many years but here they are going crazy about what their manufacture hasn,t done for them lately.I do get the gripes that people have over here your lucky to type your opinion but my god let it be after many a different posts stating what you what to say. I know what I'm going to do if I want to but I'll keep it to myself because opinions are like as#@$holes well you guys know the rest.
All I know is I have over 8K on my Apex and this past Wednesday I had the privilege of towing my dad's T660 with 3K for the second time :yam: ;)!
