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I need some honest clarification........


Apr 17, 2007
I Leave New York
I own a 2007 Yamaha Phazer FX.
I am not a lurker on the site for the sole purpose of bad mouthing Yamaha products because I am loyal to Brand X.
I have owned the following sleds prior: 1970's Arctic Cats, 1979 ElTigre 5000, 1977 Eltigre 4000, 1998 ZR500, 1999 ZR440 SP, 2002 MXZ700.

In addition to the 07 Phazer, I currently own a 1990 Yamha Phazer II (For nearly 15 years now), 2 count them two 1988 Sno Scoots and a 2004 Ski Doo Rev 600 HO SDI.

Now that the Phazer has 1800 miles on it, I have begun to have all of the problems (except the starter....just waiting...) that some individuals have had and stated to keep an eye on. Rear suspension (3x), Front Suspension, Overheating, steering slop, reverse engagement.....



While many on this site may have indicated they've had problems, it's not indicative of the entire Phazer owner's population. I'm not dicounting the fact that there are certainly some issues with these sleds; especially when they start to get some miles on them. However, just because 20 or 30 on this site have complained doesn't mean that the other thousands of owners have had the same problems.

Complaints are always heard over praises.

Again, I'm not taking sides since I also own a Phazer (still under 800 miles), but the internet, while a great tool, can also set people into a panic. It often makes them think everyone, and I mean everyone is experiencing the same thing.

I agree wholeheartedly.

However, what I am having trouble understanding is why some individuals take mechanical issues as personal attacks.

I read all the alarming posts about my machine, (and trust me, I WANTED THIS SLED TO BE MADE MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE as I have always LOVED my previous Phazers and had actually started to build an a-arm suspended Phazer II) and understood that some (not all) are having issues.

However, the responses to some of these posts is absolutely rediculous. When someone is having a problem, accept the fact that machines can and will be flawed. Some people will have issues (some more than others granted). However, the purpose of the site is to inform and I hope that those individuals will continue for as long as I decide to keep my Phazer.
I understand what you are saying. But I think alot of people including myself sometimes will go out and have a great weekend on there phazer, no problems just a plain fun time. And then they get back and go on this site and read how people are complaining that there phazers are junk, Yamaha did'nt do enough testing before releasing the sled and that "Yamaha will be getting a letter in the mail from me" bla bla bla. When you read things like this you get frustrated because you have had a completely opposite experience with your sled and you feel like you should fight back. However if somebody decides to post a problem with there phazer and manage to do so in such a way that does not rip into Yamaha and all that other stuff, it makes this site much better and is much more informative and to the point. Like you said, I dont know why people take certain things as personal attacks when all people are doing is saying there is a flaw in the machine, brand loyalty perhaps.
Yamaha slow response to overheating on my Rage and Attak{they put coolers on the same models 1 and 3 years after they were introduced} Also the lousy hand warmers on the Attak that they tried to fix by generously giving us new handlebars the following year but did not work and now for 09 they are coming out with new grips finally, but we have no reviews yet.
The company is slow to respond but they do respond and from what I have seen so far they have been willing to fix Phazers on warranty.
I always keep in mind that the snowmobile portion of this huge company is a very small part of there profits and glad that they have stayed in the game unlike the many companies that have left the sport over the years.
3000 km....

I had extended warranty and got my upgrades done by Yamaha as needed.

No issues since then, I love my sled!

BTW it doesnt take 1800 miles to discover the overheating and ice build up, those were Day 1 issues.

Yamaha rectified for me free of charge though.

Just get the updates done and stop procrastinating.

The sled should have come with:

Cold Start Kit
Wider Ski's
Rad Fan
Bump stops (GT)
and Tunnel covers

Then it would have been perfect for me. But I did those upgrades, hence it is still a great sled.


I just had all the updates done to mine, have had no real issues now that I am set up with a great dealership, I have never been happier with a sled.


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If I had read and took everything that was written, I may not have bought mine. Granted, I haven't been able to ride it yet, I figure it's like anything you buy. For example, when I bought my first brand new truck, it was a Ford. I had nothing but problems with it (out of 6 months, it sat in the shop for a total of 2). It soured me from buying another one, but some friends of mine have had nothing but rave reviews. In fact, my wife bought one and we had no problems at all. I just happened to get the crap one. I think the fit could have been better, but from what I hear, Yamaha has at least taken care of some of the problems. Can other manufactures say that?
I am no Psychologist but it seems to me that reason there are such extremes in posts is because these sleds are just so much fun.When everything is working no amount of $ could buy more fun.So when something goes wrong even if a minor thing it is just so big a letdown.I never did drugs but it must be same thing why people get addicted only this is legal and healthy.Then there is just the simple reality that people ride different and parts/assembly/service are not all the same and never will be.All companies strive for repeatability and good service but with outside people involved it cant all be controlled.Yamaha I feel does one heck of a job trying but variables are reason some dont have issues.Everyone including me needs to really think before they post any comments but its hard not to let emotions get involved.
I disagree with some of the posts thus far...

Overheating issue: Was told by the dealer that I could purchase the fan kit in order to remedy the overheating issue.
Tunnel Enclosure: Was told directly by my dealer that covering the opening in the tunnel would vould my Y.E.S. warrenty. I was one of the idiots who bought the $140 tunnel enclosure panels already...

This is my personal favorite.....

As of yesterday's run to the dealer, I was told point blank that Yamaha would not warrenty my rear suspension again because I wasn't being proactive enough. I have broken the 07 set up twice and the 08 once in the 1800 miles I've got on the sled.

And I quote: "Regardless, this is an entry level sled, it wasn't designed for aggressive riding."

Funny, all of the Yamaha literature states just the opposite......
Time to get a good dealer. I believe half of all the issues that some people seem to be experiencing is a result of poor dealers. They don't want to spend the time on proper sled setup or upgrades, they only want to sell.
This is dealer number two for me.....

I'm running out of dealers in this area.....

Even they don't want to touch this thing.....

Anyone have the direct line to Yamaha Cust Service???
WTF? They advertised it as a dirt bike on snow with Jimmy Blaze doing backflips on it. You don't get more aggressive than a dirt bike.
