I Rode With 2 Phazers-my impressions

And then they take them back to Japan - and crush them :drink:
Octane said:
Superman said:
Yea I always laugh everytime these guys at a show say "Its a $120,000 dollar hand built proto-type". Like who gives a $hit. The first one of anything is always going to cost the most. They say it like you can't go out and wreck it. Bottom line is they're test mules. So they are not worth a penny. Besides they probably crush them anyway.
I beg to differ. Im sure the other manufacturers would love to get their hands on one of those Phazers, think of all the unpatented designs they could steal.

Alticity-Vector said:
Who was "the pro rider"??

The guy that usually leads the Demo rides is a guy that lives in Gaylord. How He got hooked up with Yamaha? I don't know . He is a very nice guy and We talk when ever we see each other.
They are salesmen first,and are paid to lie lol ya they told me last year that they fixed the speedos to read correctly,thats why i brought my gps and showed them how they were still off the 14-15 mph,then they changed there tune some,but if they can get you to believe everything they are selling,than they have done there job well..
