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Ice racing Otis Reservoir Saturday March 5 ... who's in?

Otis RX

Sep 9, 2003
Otis Reservoir Otis, Mass.
The ice is very hard and smooth. The entire lake is like that with the exception of the shore line which remains heavily snow covered.

Conditions for ice racing in Otis are near perfect. As you can see from the picture, the track edges and especially the center strip can be used for return and cool down as they remain well snow covered.

The dilemma remains either Otis, Turkey Pond NH.

People from the coming from the South & West might prefer Otis as it's much closer than Turkey. There are a few from Turkey willing to make the trip to Otis.

I will reach out to the normal racing teams to determine preference and report back later today/tonight for the site of choice.

Please feel free to call me today if you have questions about Saturday.

Please confirm if you're interested in coming. Could be the last weekend this year.


Hope to see you racing tomorrow.

Ross (OTIS RX)

PS: The Problem Child is taking out, Ted G, Big Scotty, Red Rocket Bob w/Jr driving!!!

Weather forecast for Otis Saturday 46 and cloudy, no wind!

Here's a pic of the ice from this morning.


  • March 4, 2011 (Medium).JPG
    March 4, 2011 (Medium).JPG
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That is one nice looking picture !! wish i was there...But WAY to far away.Have fun guys.. ;)!
Great ice racing condition Otis :)
Wish I wasn't on the other end of the planet.
