Here is what I found , and looks like I can hook it right to battery : dont wire it to key. It can keep solenoid activated with shield plugged in. Not good. Use the dedicated wires or go right to batt.
It appears to me that the outlet on Amazon does not have a feature to retain the outlet to a panel? I installed used outlet on my Phazer from a Yamaha grizzly like the one below. It even has the right connector if your Vector has the plug for the 12v outlet. Otherwise there are a bunch of outlets on eBay from a Yamaha Royal Star like the one below for $8.95 shipped. With either of these type of outlets you can either use the wiring connectors or cut them off an wire the outlet with an in line fuse right to the battery. G.B.!48430!US!-1:rk:27f:0