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Insurance costs on the big guns.

Insurance costs

Just got off the phone with my agents sect. At this moment they won't write it because it's over 800cc. I explained to her a lot of what is in this page already (thank you for all your help, I'm sure it will help other tremendously also) So she is going back to there underwriter and see what gives. Keep up all the info guys the more we know the more money we have for more toys! :Rockon: :4STroke: Mark.

I have found it really depends what state your in. My buddy has a GT and lives in Maryland and pays $266.00 with $250.00 Deductible. Insurance is required in most of the eastern states which brings the costs down. Here in Minnesota it is not required and my RTX with $1,000.00 deductible was $862.00. Wrote the check thurs the 15th of Dec. totalled it Sat the 17th. They don't even have the sled in the databases and the adjuster is still trying to figure out how to write the claim. I think I am going to eat a good deal on this but alot less than if I had not purchased the insurance. Also for any of you out there that do not know it - The major medical coverage is for your passenger not the operator even if it is a one up sled. !!!!!!! Suprise !!!!!!!
yeah, it kills me these guys are getting insurance for 200 bucks a yr, i too am paying around 900 a year in southeast michigan, and i called 10 different places and not much better with any other company
I am 43 and had no history and clean driving record. I was adding to a policy with the RX-1 $766.00 and the 2 older triples (only have theft & liability on them) $225.
Here is what I have

1 2005 rage
1 2006 vector
1 2006 attak
1 2005 rage
12005 clam shell 12'
1 2006 12' clam shell

for all the above with full coverage 250 deductable
concord group insurance in thhe state of Maine

$ 1086.00

so thats 4 sleds and 2 trailers I thought it was a good deal
Good news I got it insured for $243.00 with a $500.00 deduct full coverage. I thought this was pretty good since two hours ago they would'nt touch it (over 800 cc's). Be sure to talk to them, my agent agreed they are way behind the times on sleds i.e. whatever makes them more money they spend more of there time working that street. So don't take HOW MUCH for an answer, look around and keep talkin wit your friends here, it can only save you money in the long run! Steve thank for the nice complement, you helped me get her there, Mark.
sifty said:
For you guys that are insuring on your home owners property insurance. Just realize if you have a claim it will go against your homeowners and your rates will go up and the ability to shop your insurance other places will be affected to. Most insurance company wont write insurance if you have had a homeowners claim of 1,000 or more within the last three years. You can also lose home and auto discounts because you have a claim also. Just alittle advice from an insurance agent.

I don't think anyone has coverage for their sled on their homeowners. It's a totally seperate policy. The company just requires that you have your homeowners and auto policies with their company also. They are totally seperate. At least mine are.
Shiek said:
250 full coverage with 200 deduct -- liberty mutual. apex gt

When some of you guys are stating numbers are you talking 6 month policies? Some policies are 6 months and some are one year. I have Allstate and my 05 RX-1 is $273.00 for the year and the 01 SRX is only $164.00 per year full coverage with $500 deductibles. I'm in Illinois and I don't know why some of you in Michigan and Minn arer paying thru the #*$&@. You might want to call this agent I found. She knows how to work the system and had to be the coolest Agent I have ever had. I was in a position where State farm was dropping me from TWO MINOR FENDER BENDERS over a 3 year period. All that after paying THOUSANDS INTO THE KITTY FOR 19 years without ONE DAMN CLAIM! I HATE INSURANCE COMPANIES! I have a buisness, a house, 4 cars, 2 sleds, a trailer, a boat and a Harley and was getting RAPED on insurance until I met this chick. She saved me A TON annually, I have HIGHER coverage AND I now have the umbrella policy that was spoken of here. I would NOT even concider NOT having one after I found out how much risk I was in if something MAJOR were to happen.
MOST agents are a joke. It's hard to find a good one. They are making money hand over fist and sell you the bare bones coverage at premium prices.
I found her thru a riding buddie (Harley) not to mention,she rides and is way cool. Anyone interested in her info PM me and I will send it off.
I would sugest even if your NOT in Illinois to give her a call. I don't see why they cant sell insurance to someone out of state. Same agent covers out of state summer homes...etc...

She could give them some advise and in State agent contact. But inorder to sell/service policys in any state the agent HAS to lic. in that State.
I insured my GT with Toronto Dominion Insurance PL PD Comp fire and theft no collision for $229.00 Can.
Ride-N-Rice said:
I just got my new GT insured but haven't seen the pre

mium cost yet, anybody wrote a check yet? :4STroke: Mark.
