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Is Yamaha admitting to Jackshaft Bearing Problem?

Iron Dog

Apr 14, 2003
Valdez, Alaska
Is anyone getting this warrentied?
Wished I'd have checked mine...but with less than 3K, I didn't think this bearing could go.......but it did...with devastating results!
Here's what happen to me yesterday. Was climbing a Glacier, running about 8k rpm...when suddenly, all hell broke loose. From what I can tell, the bearing failed, got hot. The Jackshaft sheared at the bearing. It's truly amazing what a rotating mass of metal (secondary) will do, when turned loose at 8k rpm!! It took out the primary, clutch cover and blew out the side of the tub!!! There looks like one of the weight bolts from the primary went into the engine block!! Looks like a bomb went off inside!!!
So...now my sled sits on a Glacier about 7K ft. back about 45 miles from nowhere. Can't repair it in place....can't tow it out (too many steep climbs).
Going this afternoon to get her. The chopper is going to run me about $1200-1500. :cry:
Will call my dealer as soon as he opens this morning...I'm sure Yamaha will pay for the chopper.....NOT!!!!!!

i checked mine a couple of weeks ago when i changed tracks, spinning the jackshaft while the top gear was removed made one hell of a grinding(dry bearing noise) im glad i did, it was shot, i had to cut the shoulder and put up against regular bearing as the bearings are backordered, cant go anywere and seems to work fine, 400 miles and just checked again and it hasnt moved
Iron Dog sounds like you had the same thing happen as I did just in a much worse scenario. I assume you have an 03 issue is that the collar works its way out and then the shaft starts to wobble and takes everything else out! Mine was covered under warranty (I bought the extended) Per my dealer Yamaha will do nothing untill it breaks so anyone thinking of getting it looked at before it goes make sure you tell them that it makes intermittent grinding noises or just order the 04 locking collar which is the cause of the problem in the first place if your not real mechanical be aware that it's a pain to replace cause you gotta get a nut on the otherside of the bearing on the jackshaft. what my dealer did was weld on a couple of bolts to the bearing so he could get it off without removing everything from the chain case side then you can get the nut over the shaft before putting the new bearing in. Good luck!
Mine is still good at 3300, although I am nervous. I guess I will go ahead and order the 2004 bearing & collar now
Mine went out and bent the jackshaft. They are on backorder so I'm guessing a lot of them went out. I'm still waiting to see if Yamaha will back it up.

Two weeks ago I brought in my 03 with 5,300 miles to install a ripsaw and the dealer noticed the collar broken off and it turned out the bearing was frozen to the jack shaft and the shaft was also bent. I guess i was just lucky because they said my next ride wouldnt have lasted too long. All the parts were replaced under my extended warranty. Yamaha had to locate the shaft and the bearing in Canada for the dealer and fed ex them to him so i could make my vacation and it took a week for the fix. The problem is that after the fix the dealer told me it was still the 03 set up because Yamaha hasnt approved the upgrade to the 04 fix with the set screw in the collar???
Blue Warrior it's an 03 issue the 04 has a locking collar (threaded with a nut on the otherside to keep it in place) My dealer replaced mine with 04 parts under warrantee I think the problem is the parts are on backorder so Yamaha is just forcing you to take the 03 parts cause thats all they have available.
Called my dealer today. He said he's heard of a few problems with the bearing, but nothing serious...? MORE GOOD NEWS...he informed me my warrenty expired in Nov. :cry: He said I could try Yamaha Customer Service. Called 4 times..line busy. Will keep trying..not sure what for.
EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS: Talked to my Insurance Co.....They won't cover machanical breakdown...why was I not surprised :cry:
Spent the afternoon at the Helipad....Pilot wasn't comfortable with the weather. Would have to sling sled back to civilization...and leave me on the Glacier for the second trip. If weather soxed in, I'd have to spent the nite there. :shock:
I'm going to be about $4,500 into this.....at what point do I grab the gas and matches ?? :evil:
will keep you guys informed.........
VT RX1 can you explain a little more was it your bearing that went bad or did the collar come loose?

Thanks with as many miles as you ride we all appreciate any advise.
