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Jackshaft bearing makers???


Feb 13, 2005
Nova Scotia , Canada
I blew up the jackshaft bearing on my 03 rx1 and having trouble finding a aftermarket maker for the bearing.

part # 93306-20650-00 and is a supposedly a 6206 bearing but the prices are different for the other jackshaft bearings that are 6206 and 6205 (chaincase side)as well.the inner chaincase bearing is 93306-20601-00 and outer is 93306-20511-00

Does anybody know of part numbers for a aftermarket bearing? Also should I upgrade with the 04 collar and nut??


jack shaft bearing

this bearing has a tapered bore 6606k or 6606duk. i see that royal dis has them listed in there book. i know that there kind of hard to find as all of the bearing places i have checked could not supply this bearing from any of there supplyers. the tapered bushing mite have to come from yamaha but check with micro belmount eng.
The tapered bearing is CUSTOM by Yamaha, but NOT ESSENTIAL.

You have an alternative... Any 6206 with a LOCKING COLLAR will work fine. I *think*. The one thing to check is whether the bearing ID is equal to the OD of the jackshaft. It might not be.

Why not just buy it from Yam? Its not like its one of their real expensive parts.
Bearring and collar

My collar went out after 1500 km, it was mounted from the clutch side. My Yamaha dealer fixed it as a warranty but the collar was backordered so I bought an SKF bearing and collar, my dealer payed for it. The bearing is 6206 2RS1K and the threaded collar with lock-nut is H206. Probably same number with NSK and other.

Royal Distributing may have the bearing. I know I ordered one recently, but it is hard to find.

The Guelph location is the only store that had the bearing at the time. Give them a call.
American standard bearing in inches is about $5.00. Dealer ALOT more then that.

I have tried all the bearing companies. I mic'd my bearing and searched and searched. No one will sell yamaha's metric bearing with yamaha's specs.

If someone has found a bearing that works, let us in on your knowledge.
