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Just jumped ship, no more doo's for me.

Its awesome to see so many new Yamaha riders on here now! I hope all of you have great experiences with your new sleds, and welcome to the site for those for you who are new here.

One thing to remember though, these are an off road machines, and if you are looking for absolute perfection, there's not a machine out there that will deliver that. I'm definately a die-hard Yamaha rider, but Ive noticed alot of people coming over to TY in the past that were expecting Yamahas to be indestructible, and handle better than anything ever developed..... Don't let yourself be a part of that crowd! Take some time to read through the older posts and threads and learn about some of the issues other riders have had. It will definately prove to be valuable information.
One major point I'd like to add - In my opinion, Yamaha has very complex suspensions... Not that that isn't good, but I would tae the time to learn how to set up your sled(s) for each rider, and don't be afraid to keep playing with adjustments and modifications to make it do what you want. I ride with guys who ride every brand out there, and all they do is hop on and complain. None of them has taken the time to learn what it takes to make the sled adjust from a 240lb. rider on a smooth trail, to a 180lb ditch jumper. Don't be surprised when you get your sleds this fall that there will have to be adjustments to make them right. Don't blame Yamaha, just dig in, read up, learn, and enjoy!

nate007 said:
Its awesome to see so many new Yamaha riders on here now! I hope all of you have great experiences with your new sleds, and welcome to the site for those for you who are new here.

One thing to remember though, these are an off road machines, and if you are looking for absolute perfection, there's not a machine out there that will deliver that. I'm definately a die-hard Yamaha rider, but Ive noticed alot of people coming over to TY in the past that were expecting Yamahas to be indestructible, and handle better than anything ever developed..... Don't let yourself be a part of that crowd! Take some time to read through the older posts and threads and learn about some of the issues other riders have had. It will definately prove to be valuable information.
One major point I'd like to add - In my opinion, Yamaha has very complex suspensions... Not that that isn't good, but I would tae the time to learn how to set up your sled(s) for each rider, and don't be afraid to keep playing with adjustments and modifications to make it do what you want. I ride with guys who ride every brand out there, and all they do is hop on and complain. None of them has taken the time to learn what it takes to make the sled adjust from a 240lb. rider on a smooth trail, to a 180lb ditch jumper. Don't be surprised when you get your sleds this fall that there will have to be adjustments to make them right. Don't blame Yamaha, just dig in, read up, learn, and enjoy!

Well said Nate. Yami motors are perfect IMO but some time and effort is required in dialing in the suspensions and a little $$$ is required in aftermarket goodies to improve handling. They aren't perfect but with some tweeks they get pretty close.
As newcomers from other sites how do you find the behavior and help here on this site? Now please dont bash any other sites or sleds just looking to see the comparisons.
I switched over mid year this year from doo. i have had many rev's and loved them, but when i test rode the new nytro i had a stiff one so i was in. the suspension and handling was a bit tricky at first but im getting there slowly. the frakin power makes up for it though! ;-)
i let a bunch of guys ride my new nytro in old forge this year and 3 of them jumped ship to YamaHo. not for nothing but i was a die hard doo guy and when they came out with the new xp, i was very disapointed with the whole sled minus the engine. rode like a 1977 bronco.
I'm new to Totallyamaha. I've riding green for the last 15 years (Yamaha before that). It takes awhile on a new site to find out who really knows what they're talking about & who just likes to make posts. I spend a lot of time reading, but don't make many posts. It took some time on A-chat & HCS, but you eventually figure out the people with good knowledge. There have been some very helpful posts,(on TY) and a few whinners too. It's going to be long Summer, waiting for the new XTX. It's no secret TY tries to enforce a higher standard on this site. It's a nice change!
Sled Dog said:
As newcomers from other sites how do you find the behavior and help here on this site? Now please dont bash any other sites or sleds just looking to see the comparisons.

Very impressed with the site. I spent alot of time on Arcticchat and I made alot of great friends there. The guys and gals there are very knowledgable and are more than happy to help out each other.

I'm pretty sure that this site is the same in that way. I look forward to hanging out here and learning from the "old hands' and hopefully I can contribute in my own way!!

Wow there are lots of new people to Yamaha this year! This is great!
I bet I know the reason the other manufactures have been burning the midnight oil getting the new 4 strokes to the market.

Again Welcome to All
I have found this site to be very informative & the guys are very helpfull. Yes there are some challenges like with any brand of manufacturer although with the pages and pages of discussion on this site you can usually find an answer or direction to solve your challenge which is really what we are all looking for. Great work keep it up guy's! :Rockon:
:Rockon: If your new to the site read and enjoy. Spend some time doing a lot of reading. There is so much useful info. here its crazy. Three years ago I spent six months researching before I bought my first Yamaha (Apex RTX). Then bought my wifes Vector the same year. What I learned here , what to expect, what not to do, set ups, skis, all priceless info. Not only that but I in turn shared this info with other Yamaha riders I know. I've had three trouble free years of riding with two sleds and I contribute a good part of that to what I learned and shared with members here. And like Nate said above take the time if your adjusting your suspension. Little adjustments one at a time is the key. Make an adjustment, try it. Then go back and tweak a littlew more. God its going to be a long summer. Welcome aboard!!

greenmntpass said:
:Rockon: If your new to the site read and enjoy. Spend some time doing a lot of reading. There is so much useful info. here its crazy. Three years ago I spent six months researching before I bought my first Yamaha (Apex RTX). Then bought my wifes Vector the same year. What I learned here , what to expect, what not to do, set ups, skis, all priceless info. Not only that but I in turn shared this info with other Yamaha riders I know. I've had three trouble free years of riding with two sleds and I contribute a good part of that to what I learned and shared with members here. And like Nate said above take the time if your adjusting your suspension. Little adjustments one at a time is the key. Make an adjustment, try it. Then go back and tweak a littlew more. God its going to be a long summer. Welcome aboard!!


Exactly and that is why I say a VIP or donation to give back to the site that gives you so much. I am surprised your not a VIP Todd.
Sled Dog said:
As newcomers from other sites how do you find the behavior and help here on this site? Now please dont bash any other sites or sleds just looking to see the comparisons.

it is a great forum, just not many people post...but then as more people join, typically other sites quality goes down...hope that doesnt happen here!!!
Left doo too after 800 2s engine blew. $2100 for a doo rebuilt engine turned around & dealer installed in 7 days but blown engine at 4000 miles pissed me off. Put on another 2000 miles on new engine & traded in for a new Attack. The Attack has been flawless just needed learn to make susupension adjustments. Learn how to adjust your suspension & rest of care & feeding of your new Nytro is here just read or ask. Welcome to the wonderful world of 4s.
