LOW-OP on LCD-display after start and then warning light

Ride happy

Oct 26, 2013
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Hi all,
New here so a short introduction.
38 years of age, married. 2 year old son. Mechanical engineer.
I live in Sweden up in the north. Just got a 2011 Venture Lite. I've had two Yamahas in the past, an SM340 and a VX500DX. The VX is still in the family.

So, about the Venture Lite then. After starting the engine, there comes a message 'LOW-OP' briefly and then goes off. What does that mean? Then there is this yellow warning light on all the time, at the very left lower part of the dash. No other lights are on, just the warning light.

There isn't any snow yet so I haven't ridden the machine. I have just started it a couple of times for transit and service.
It has about 600 miles on it, and I just completed a service with motor oil and filter change. Also changed the chain case oil. General lubrication and checks were also carried out. Downloaded the service manual. I didn't have the tool to synchronize the fuel injection though. Need to get back to that later. Anyway, the LOW-OP message was there before the service so it wasn't caused by me. Not sure if the warning light was on, though. I had the impression it only came on together with another light that explained what was wrong, but I could be wrong here.

Any help appreciated.
Kind regards,

I've never seen or heard of such a message unless it's something that was added to later years. Only thing I can think of is Low Oil Pressure (Lo-OP). The yellow light should have a symbol.

You said that the light was on when you first got it and you did an oil change. Did you make sure that the seal from the old filter wasn't left on the block? Did you check the screen inside the oil tank? It's held by two bolts at the bottom of the tank and is the suction line to the pump. If everything checks out, I'd be careful running it if it's showing low oil pressure until you can hook up a pressure tester and verify the actual oil pressure. It could be a defective oil pressure switch.
Hi and thanks for replying. I've uploaded a video of the LOW-OP message. As you can see it goes away quickly and might not be an issue since the oil pressure is low at start up.

As for the warning light, it is now not illuminated any more. I just refueled so it could have been a low fuel issue that did not catch my eye earlier. The seal on the old oil filter is still there and the screen in the oil tank is fine as far as I can tell. No obvious leaks anywhere.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjE4HIB ... ata_player
You are correct...the message does mean low oil pressure...my Apex does the same. Nothing to worry about, unless the OP-LO message remains.

When your gas level drops down to 2 bars, the warning light comes on and there should have been a picture of a gas pump on the lcd.

I'm surprised that this isn't in the Owner's manual...or is it?
Okay, thanks. The low oil pressure message is not covered in the owners manual as far as I can tell. The manual I got is a downloaded pdf of what I believe is an early version. Still waiting for the 2011 manual from a local Yamaha dealer, ordered by the previous owner for me. She lost the manual that came with the machine so I will hopefully get it soon.
Kind regards,
I hope you don't mean that the o-ring seal from the old filter is there as well as the new one on the filter itself? Basically they're double stacked? This has been known to cause catastrophic engine failures when the oil would spew out and run dry. Basically what happens is that the old o-ring stays stuck on the block and, unknown to the person doing it, puts the new filter with another o-ring on top of it. It might hold for a while but it will eventually fail.
No, I meant that the o-ring seal is still attached to the old oil filter which came off just like that. They never separated.
Kind regards,
Whew, OK. Just making sure. ;)!
