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Need a little help--'06 Apex Mtn


Oct 29, 2005
Dickinson, ND
I just bought this sled and need some help. I have no clue when it comes to clutching. The sled was bought in Wyoming. We brought it back to western ND. The elevation here is about 2500'. We took it out today and it is hitting the rev limiter big time. Conditions are tough right now with icy snow so it is hard to watch the tach close. I caught several glaces at it and it looks like we are around 11,000+ RPM. I would assume we should be closer to 10,500 RPMs, right? Will this straighten out at higher elevation? What do we need to do clutching wise for around here. I hate to have to keep changing setups for different elevations. I would like to set it up with a happy medium and just ride it.

Let me know your thoughts please.


For any elevation I ride I try for 11000 on trail, as I lose 500 rpm as soon as I get into the snow. At 2500 elevation I run the short track weights,rollers and primary spring and a roller secondary set-up, and keep the stock gearing.
The stock set-up is perfect for 9-12,000ft. So the main question is how often will you be going to the mountains?

I leave mine set-up for the mountains all the time but I only ride around home maybe twice a winter and I just ride it the way it is. If you take it easy its fine but anything past 3/4 throttle and its hitting the rev limiter. You also wont be able to go much faster then 50-60 mph with that set-up.

That's kind of my thinking. The last couple of years we haven't even rode around home at all. After today we are done riding here too. Went out today for 6 miles a came back in to the truck. Snow is too hard and getting really thin.

How well will this setup work around 6,000' in the Black Hills? We also ride in West Yellowstone and you start out at 6,000' and go up.
switch out the primary spring to a blue pink blue. Give that a try you want to be between 10,800 and 11,100. then all you would have to do is switch back to the stock primary when at altitude
shockwave is always a good idea, BUT set you rpm in the primary first then fine tune with the shockwave. The helix is not a rpm limiter. Get your enguagement right and your weights set then mess with helix, then go back to weights ect ect until perfect........or totally lost...LOL
