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Need to decide. LTX DX ? Best Choice


Yamadoo is a snowmobile ' aholic'.
Jun 3, 2003
Duluth, MN -North shores Lake Superior
15 Viper STX DX red/white- GPS and KING AIR suspension 4kmiles
13 Apex XTX 45 anniversary RED/WHITE/BLACK 3K miles
10 Vector LTX Blue 9kmiles
11 Venture GT 4k miles
86 SnoScoot(2) for grand kids
I am a > 90% groomed trail rider. Want handling and plush. Have old Apex (trading in) and vector LTX and 121 these are 2010's like them all so I am thinking try new chassis and from reading have come to the conclusion: LTX DX

What do you guys think? Right choice ? Strengths and weakness etc


I've ridden the Standard LTX and the LTX SE for hundreds of miles each and would recommend the DX based on 2014 calibrations and your >90% trail orientation. If your a large person 280+ pounds you may find that the front shock calibration will allow bottoming if running through 2+ foot moguls in the turns. Hygear could give you any assistance you need with improved springing or shock recalibration for a reasonable price.

I would also recommended Stud Boy Deuce bars, 6" size for steering. Also running 96 studs, just enough to give a bit of traction stopping and in icy corners.
I would say it depends on you. If your a trail rider not much else maybe some small jumps I would go with the DX it's more plush and comes standard with more options. You can still make the DX hit jumps and hard riding. But for laid back riding even hard trail riding this would be my pick.
Thanks guys I am thinking LTX DX as well
Almost 1500 miles on my DX 137. Sounds like I ride like you do. No regrets. My days of riding on stiff suspensions are over. Been just gas an go with exception of the same little stuff that's already been mentioned a thousand times. Hose clamps, chaincase adjustment, oil change, throwing a 38 code...I quit worrying about it and just ride it.

It still hauls the mail when you want it to. Doesn't really do anything great but does pretty much everything pretty good. I think you would be hard pressed to find a better trail sled.
I going with the LTX-DX as well. After owning a Nytro RTX SE, I am not a big fan of the Fox shocks for the way I ride. I just sold my Nytro this past Monday and the guy asked me what he should to to set it up. I directed him to this board for info. It helped me quite a bit to try and tame that beast!
I myself am trying to decide which dx viper model would be best for me. Always rode short tracks but havent ruled out the ltx that has the extra 4" of track for that bump bridging capability that everyone talks about. We are also adding 7" additional sled length.
I put my 500$ down, leaning LTX DX just yesterday was thinking STX but don't need rack or strap, so little time off trail doubt Cobra or non coupled skid would be a great addition then I ask myself what am I getting that I need or really want for that 550?

I thought I would decide when put money down. BUT the salesman I had been working with was away so sales manager just says think about it and call before April 15th

Decision decisions. These are really easy actually no life or death but fun to ponder

Thanks Yamadoo. Aka. Mark
ZRX. How did you get a DX already ? They are new for 2015 and I didn't think any were out yet? Yamadoo what is an STX? Haven't seen that listed anywhere. I ordered a new black/silver DX for my wife. Just wondering.
yamadoo said:
I am a > 90% groomed trail rider. Want handling and plush. Have old Apex (trading in) and vector LTX and 121 these are 2010's like them all so I am thinking try new chassis and from reading have come to the conclusion: LTX DX

What do you guys think? Right choice ? Strengths and weakness etc


The DX would be a plusher ride than the SE for sure! And if your a trail rider that should be the ticket, if that's what your looking for. Handling is real good on the Vipers. If I had it all over again and I bought a Viper I would get the DX or the standard Viper.
I did go LTX DX and am so excited I went red/white and it is really growing on mr, very happy I did
