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NEW 09 unveiled online FRIDAY OVERNIGHT at 3am!

THANX Dan! Now i can't sleep. Part of me hopes the new sleds aren't that nice because then i'd have to start working over-time to feed this addiction. It's taken 3 years [low snow] to get my sled dialed in as it is. Well we'll see next friday..

I just saw on STV that next week thy will be doing a preview of the 09's. They showed what looked like Nitro style sled but it was blurred out. Here in Canada STV is on OLN.
i wouldnt get too excited,i remember last year for the 08 unveiling,everybody was disapointed,ah,just one new model,no 136'',apex is still the same and blah,blah,i dont think they will have a new from the ground up sled,they have to improve on what they already have,yamaha has a great line right now,they could introduce new features though,like power steering on some models,lighter weight on others,new skis is a must,how about storage,i would be more impressed with that than seeing a new sled
true pat but if you think about it every year they have came out with some sort of new 4 stroke since 03. and they have kept making revisions on the other ones making them better to everybody's liking. but who knows they have surprised us every year. i heard some people talking last year that they wouldn't come out with anything new since they spent a ton of cash on the phazer, and they shocked us with the fx nytro. might as well just keep on guessing. :yam: :jump:
DoktorC said:
Ya..it's the same every year....all the build up and Friday comes and half the guys will be "Why'd they mount the intercooler THAT way" Or "I would have used an IHI turbo instead of the garret"...you can't please anyone on the internet. :)

What are you implying? A boosted sled :Rockon:
Keep dreaming about boost, I don't think it will happen. I wouldnt be surprised to see a 4-cyl version of the nytro motor though.

My predictions for 09


-A new chassis sled to replace the apex, won't be as rider forwrd as the fx chassis, but about 35-45lbs lighter than the apex with 4-cyl nytro motor.

Yamaha wont boost motors from the factory, not when they have the available technology to make target horsepower ratings without it.

just my .02
