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NEW 09 unveiled online FRIDAY OVERNIGHT at 3am!

2:24 am Central Time and it's on the site.

Neat sled, something I'm sure the deep and steep guys were hoping for, but I'm pretty unimpressed. I was hoping for a little more.
Fuel Capacity / Gal. 7.4 gal

So much for a bigger capacity tank....
Hahahahaha..... LaLaLa Talk about hyping up nothing! That's just silly. And it's still got the small tank!!! What's up with that?

Oh well, I guess I'm not the target group for this... :letsnow:
Would like to see nytro based apex to compete against the other brands in the 800cc class.
NyTrOMaNIaC said:
I think it's pretty neat ! The off trail guys are surely going to like it. Nice rail design too ! :yam:

Polaris has has tipped up rails like this on there switchback for a little while now. I wonder how Yamaha was allowed to use this.

I'm not really a fan of the other color option. The graphics on the white one are tacky.
Talk about yet another disappointing year.

Face it guys, no matter how hard you cry for 180hp, it'll never happen.

Think about it, power has always just been marginal in a Yamaha.
Vmax4, SRX, RX1, APEX....all of which while competitive in the market of hypersleds, were just barely powerful enough to compete.
