New Raptor 90 hard start


Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Hi guys,
I bought my daughter a 2020 Raptor 90 this year. When I picked it up from the dealer it was hard to start so they drilled out the plug and adjusted the mixture screw. This seemed to help back in May but I found this fall that I had to adjust several times to try to improve starting depending on the outside temps, and I'm wondering about changing jets to try to fix once and for all as it's kind of a piss off when I have to constantly play with the carb to get it to start on a new machine. Also pretty disappointed that there's basically nothing Yamaha on this machine other than stickers.
(I know, I should have taken back to the dealer before the warranty was up but we didn't really use it until hunting season had started and then it was too late)
I read someones post a while ago about changing jets but now I can't find the post. (I don't believe it was on this forum).
Any help would be appreciated as I'm hoping to do this in the spring.
Thanks guys, and Merry Christmas!
sounds like you need to go at least one size bigger on the pilot jet. they have been jetting them lean to get them through emissions since at least my 05 big bear pro. once i jetted mine up, it started like the old 90's atv's did. mine was so bad that if i hit a bunch of ruffed grouse or spruce hen, i would have to choke it to start it if it sat more than 15 min.
If it runs good once it is warmed up, then just the choke circuit needs addressed. If it is a butterfly choke, make sure the it is closing all the way. Also, even if it is closing all the way, can it be tweaked to block off the air even more?
I contacted the dealer and told them what was going on. They were going to reach out to the local rep to see what he suggested but so far no word from them. They also told me I actually have a 1 year warranty and still have coverage into early May. I have removed the carb and cleaned it and so far it seems to be running good although it still is somewhat tough to start. We've only had it out once since but it ran good. Going to get it out again this weekend and we'll see. I intend on going up a size with the jet to try to improve cold starting but the dealer wasn't helpful about jet sizes so I'll have to look elsewhere.
Thanks for the replies!
