Newbie Advice Needed - 06 Vector GT


Dec 27, 2009
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I'm really green (46 and this is my first sled) and I am hoping I can get some opinions and advice. Friends talked me into buying a sled so I ended up purchasing a used 06 Vector GT with 431 miles on it.

My first ride didn't go as planned. Went off trail just a bit and ended up putting a hole in my heat exchanger (got a rock stuck there). They tell me this is just lousy luck. Completely ran out of fluid in a short while and I think I may have pushed the engine a bit longer than I should getting back (only about 1 mile).

So after some reading, I put some Cold Weld (similar to JB Weld) on it and I don't have any leaking. The sled seem to run OK and I have no engine or overheating lights. But I have some questions...

1. When I let go of the throttle, I hear a squealing or high pitch noise as it gears down. Sounds like it's coming from the brake area but I am not applying the brake. Is this sound normal?

2. When I do apply the brake, it is rather noisy. Is this normal? Should it be quiet?

3. When driving, I have no engine lights but when I stop for a minute, smoke is coming from the very top of the cowling. I can smell antifreeze. My friends say it is still burning off some of the stuff that spilled over when we were refillilng the engine. Again, there is no smoke or smell when running just after I stop. Normal?

4. I was (and still am) worried I did some damage to the engine. With the cowling on, the engine sounds fine. When I open the cowling, I hear a sound form the engine similar to hearing lifters on a car. Should I hear this lifter sound and will a compression test tell me anything?

5.... last one... any other suggestions that may help me out. I have been reading on setting up the suspension and will be getting new carbides this coming week.

Thanks for any help out there. The sled was serviced by the previous owner before I took it (non Yamaha dealer) but I'm thinking I would like to bring it in and some of your answers will help me out before I visit a dealer. My friends tell me it's a snowmobile so I shouldn't expect it to sound like a car?

Thanks Again
4 strokes have engine breaking and that's what you're hearing when you let go of the throttle. I rarely ever have to use my break on my RS Nytro because I use the engine breaking to my advantage. When I do use the break it's to let guys behind me know I'm stopping or to warm them to slow down, so I'll tap the breaks to warn them.

Another tip is that when you're going down a hill don't let off the throttle but keep on it just enough to keep the track engaged. This will keep the sled straight. I noticed that when I let off and the engine breaking kicked in the sled had a tendency to go into a skid and the rear end would want to twist around. Same goes for hitting ice patches and if front end catches and you feel the back starting to break loose, don't let off the throttle so much that the tracks not engaged or the rear will whip around. If you keep the engine engaged even down hill the sleds very easy to control.

When I break, my sled makes a winding noise and this is normal at least to my knowledge. As far as you're other questions I'm not really sure and can't comment on them.

You may want to get different skis. With my stock skis at least I lost count how many times I had the bars cranked to turn and the sled went straight. One time into a ditch and took 4 guys to literal have to pick the sled up to get it out. I bought better skis after that. You may be able to correct this with suspension setups and there's a few topics on this site talking about what some guys have done.
Thanks for the info and advice. The engine breaking you describe is what I am feeling.

I'm bringing it into the dealer just to have them take a look and listen. Going to put on new carbides to see if this helps.

Thanks again,
G2SSM said:
Thanks for the info and advice. The engine breaking you describe is what I am feeling.

I'm bringing it into the dealer just to have them take a look and listen. Going to put on new carbides to see if this helps.

Thanks again,

As to the carbides, put on 4 or 6 inches of either:

Woodys Slim Jims
Woody's Doolys
Stud Boy Duece bars

6" if you have studs....4" if you don't.

I'm going to guess you're a younger guy who was riding with friends who like to go fast(er). You were trying to keep up and lost it right?

If so.....first...slow down and get the feel of how the sled handles. These 4 strokes are not lightweight sleds and unless you're into weight training, etc, are a load to handle in the twisties on the trail. Learn to use the engine braking to your advantage.

The trail is NOT your personal snowcross or race track!

Good plan on taking it to the dealer. These sleds are EXPENSIVE to fix, so doing things like running the engine out of coolant or crashing them is going to end up costing you (or your insurance company..until they drop you) money.

Good luck, have fun and be safe. Don't become one of these stats: ... wstats.htm
Hey Groomdriver,

Thanks for the advice.
Reader those stats makes me want quick before I start the sport.

Actually - I'm a fair bit older than you think (46). No racing here, just simply drove nice and slow onto the side of my friends driveway while I was getting the feel of the sled. And i do mean slow. Almost embarrassing how I did it.

In any case, I picked up some stud boy bars. I am thinking the sled is fine as I understand the 3 cylinders are noisier but I'll still get it checked out.
G2SSM said:
Hey Groomdriver,

Thanks for the advice.
Reader those stats makes me want quick before I start the sport.

Actually - I'm a fair bit older than you think (46). No racing here, just simply drove nice and slow onto the side of my friends driveway while I was getting the feel of the sled. And i do mean slow. Almost embarrassing how I did it.

In any case, I picked up some stud boy bars. I am thinking the sled is fine as I understand the 3 cylinders are noisier but I'll still get it checked out.

Did you get the Duece Bars or the single bars? If you got the single bars and haven't put them on yet....take them back and get the Duece bars. The front end of the sled won't "dart" on you at all. Dual runner bars are almost a must on these sleds...if you do one thing for the sled, get them!

The "lifter sound" you hear is likely from the primary clutch and is normal

Is the sled studded? If not, I would spend the $$ and put 120 studs in down the middle. Better control in icy conditions.

I just turned 50 so I'm not quite an old fogey but I'm getting close!
Well I pulled the limiter strap to the centre hole and put on the deuce bars. I find it controls much better.

Not sure if I will need to move the strap back but I'll try this setup for now.

Thanks for the suggestion on the studs. I think I will invest in anything that may make the sled safer.
G2SSM said:
Well I pulled the limiter strap to the centre hole and put on the deuce bars. I find it controls much better.

Not sure if I will need to move the strap back but I'll try this setup for now.

Thanks for the suggestion on the studs. I think I will invest in anything that may make the sled safer.

I would put the limiter back where it was and try it. I've never understood tightening the front limiters on these front heavy lawn darts. There are other adjustments one can make b4 doing that....IMO
G2SSM said:

3. When driving, I have no engine lights but when I stop for a minute, smoke is coming from the very top of the cowling. I can smell antifreeze. My friends say it is still burning off some of the stuff that spilled over when we were refillilng the engine. Again, there is no smoke or smell when running just after I stop. Normal?

5.... last one... any other suggestions that may help me out. I have been reading on setting up the suspension and will be getting new carbides this coming week.

Thanks Again

Welcome to TY and snowmobile

Most likely what is coming out of the cowling is steam from the motor get hot and get some snow on it. You may need to add some vents or one more heat exchanger at the back of the track. I would look into put in a new heat exchanger were you broke the other one jb weld works good but it can leak and its no fun to have to walk backto the truck.

A good ski to buy are the 5.7 piolts from SKI-DOO I think you can get a pair for about 200bucks. But over all ride the sled first and get more miles under your belt.
