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"No topics or posts met your search criteria"


Lifetime Member
Apr 14, 2003
N.B. Canada eh
SideWinder LTX 50th
Why do I get this message so often?

I like to scroll through the posts since my last visit. I also get the same on 12 & 24 hour reviews.

Page one loads and then in the next few pages this usually pops up.

I open posts in a new window as was suggested.

I get this at home and at work. I have no issues with any other sites.

Any suggestions? This has been going on for years.

same here when i log on a click on Active Topic (24h) And scroll thru and browse all the post for the day and i get that Message 2 out of every 3 times i click on a page to browse i thought i was the only one aswell
Heard this before let me do a little digging it doesn't happen to everyone thats the strange part at least if you open in a new window it don't.
I'll get back to you on that : )
Convert said:
Heard this before let me do a little digging it doesn't happen to everyone thats the strange part at least if you open in a new window it don't.I'll get back to you on that : )

Actually, sometimes it does.
Problem is if there are 8 pages of new posts you may only get to see the new posts on the first page.
Interestingly enough the problem has not been there since I started the topic yesterday.

Convert said:
Question for uze guys. When this happens and you go back to the Forum Index www.ty4stroke.com do the tuning forks on the left side appear like there are no new posts (all blue) or do they still have the red circle around them indicated unread?

Not sure.
Will let you know next time it happens.


It is happening tonite. Can not get past the ffirst page.

The answer to your question is they are all blue.

Interesting that would indicate that you had read all the posts since your last "official" visit. If that really were the fact you would indeed get the error message that your seeing. Do you have your password saved so you automatically logon?
I have a theory that what is happening is you come onto the site and choose the option to see all posts since last visit. The sytem looks at the last time you logged off and puts in a search request under your username.
As your reading along for some reason the connection drops (just like you logged off). You re-connect immediately on a refresh but the sytem thinks you logged off 2 seconds ago and reset the time on your account. There have been no posts since the last time you visited therefore the error message.
I will talk to MrSled and see if he gets some sort of a log on the server side on who and when a user logs on and off maybe we can correlate that to the same times your seeing this issue next time jot down the exact time and date and try to keep track we'll look at it from this end. Actually we can use this thread so add an entry each time it happens.

Do this one time and you can see what i'm thinking, click the button for posts since last visit and read a post then logoff and back on and you will see that when you click the button again here are no new posts to read. Pretty much what your seeing when they are all blue.
I dont know where the connection is breaking but it's the only logical reason why you would see them all blue again.
Ill be logged in and i havent been on for a day or two and ill start browsing with the active topic and sometimes it takes 5 or 6 times to get passed the first page on the list. And than sometimes ill come on and it doesnt happen at all the whole time i am browsing?
Apex & xtx said:
Ill be logged in and i havent been on for a day or two and ill start browsing with the active topic and sometimes it takes 5 or 6 times to get passed the first page on the list. And than sometimes ill come on and it doesnt happen at all the whole time i am browsing?

Thats something else to consider is it related to the number of records in the search criteria? Is there always multiple pages when you have problems? Do you notice less issues when there are fewer pages to go through?

Lots of questions I know but this helps to break it down.
I think this is related to the session time out on the server too... what works for me is hit active topic and then to got to page 2 if it wont go, is click the logo then back to the active topics search then onto the next page you seek.
