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Nytro Boost Module for your YamaHeater


TY Advertiser
Feb 7, 2007
NE Indiana
2007 Attak - LOVE my sled!!!
A few weeks ago I got a call from Bret, he had purchased a YamaHeater for his '09 Nytro.
His grips did get warmer, however they didn't get as warm as he needed and they should have been.
As things have worked very well with the YamaHeater, figured we had a bad connection or something.
So we worked together to figure out what was going on.
Everything was working fine... Hmmmmmm...
Working perfect, yet still cold...

Turns out, the factory, made the bars even COLDER! :brrr:
Why? I can't answer, supplier change maybe? :dunno:
Yet they are colder. :o|

All the test sleds we had field tested with apparently had the warmer bars, and had never really ran into the issue.

A couple years ago I had worked on a boost module for our sleds, just in case some sleds needed it.
The base YamaHeater worked fine for most everyone so I shelved the project for a while.

After finding out some of the sleds were colder yet, I again started working rapidly on the Boost module.
(Luckily had built & tested some prior, just hadn't field tested or performed destructive tests.)

Worked like crazy for 3 days to get some test units ready to field test at the TY ride in Muni. :Rockon:
(Not alot of sleep... lol)
(No matter how many calculations & measurements you do, what REALLY matters is how they work & feel on the trail!)

That's alot of what we were doing at the Muni Ride, installing the Boost Modules for field testing.
TY guys are great!
I really appreciate Mr Sled, Only Blue, Karen, Poleclimber, YamaGirl, Rick and others that helped with input on the field testing. :rocks:

Things went VERY well!
Poleclimber was great about letting me test his unit on Only Blue's wifes Nytro.
(Get the freezing woman test. lol) LaLaLa
She liked it so well, she threatened me with bodily harm when I had to take it back... :hide:

The Boost Module makes the YamaHeater AND all the factory settings warmer!
Everyone that used it had to turn the heat on their bars DOWN for comfort, THAT is a BIG plus! :drink:

In the meantime, I have gotten other calls from guys that have the same cold bars,
and have been letting you guys know I have something coming for you very soon.

Before & since I returned from the Muni Ride, performed destructive testing of the modules.
The fail-safes built into the Boost Module performed flawlessly!
(Was NOT able to "let the Magic Smoke out"!)
That means they will work for you, when you need it, for a long, long time.

The next issue was/is GETTING parts to build more!
Have been working like crazy to locate & source the required parts.
2 weeks ago I placed an order for parts that took a serious chunk of money.
By ordering in large quantities, I can get better pricing, however parts that work to -40C/F are still costly.

For a limited time I am making them available to you at a token cost, simply to help defray my costs. ($30+shipping)
(This is Much less than they are costing me.)
If you purchased a YamaHeater for a 08-10 Nytro or 08-10 Apex & they aren't quite warm enough yet, this is what you need.
Will send you one at the reduced cost, just get your order in soon.
They will be available on a first come, first serve basis.
All units are Plug & Play, they simply plug right in, no wiring required.
It may take a week or so before new orders are shipped.
All my existing orders must come first.

This time tomorrow FedEx says I will have my first shipment of parts & the guys will be assembling & testing immediately.
Plan to have all of them shipped to those I have promised this week yet.
(Am printing shipping labels today for those waiting now.)

For now, the Boost Module will be a separate unit that connects in with your existing YamaHeater.
Eventually, they will be integrated into the same case/assembly.

My priority here is getting them completed/tested, & shipped to you FAST so that you can use them now. ;)!

Appreciate the patience of those that have ordered & waited for a while.
I can say, you will be VERY happy with the results. :Rockon:

Rock :-o

Ordered (2)......Thanks again Rock for working on this stuff for us. Just hope all my snow is not gone, when I get the boosters................Brian
rrxx-1 said:
Ordered (2)......Thanks again Rock for working on this stuff for us. Just hope all my snow is not gone, when I get the boosters................Brian

You are welcome Brian. ;)!

I know what you mean, it is the same with almost everyone I spoke to this week from Alaska to Quebec, little to no snow much of anywhere.
The upper Midwest is about it.
We watched the snowline recede 4+ miles in one day last week while riding near Gaylord. :whine:

Will have your kits shipped as soon as possible.
You will like the result! :drink:

Rock :-o
sleddingfarmer said:
just ordered the booster!

So now I can tell my friends my sled has boost right?


Was thinking about calling it the "Mojo Box"...

The Guys in Muni were calling it "Rocks Box"...

Rockmeister said:
sleddingfarmer said:
just ordered the booster!

So now I can tell my friends my sled has boost right?


Was thinking about calling it the "Mojo Box"...

The Guys in Muni were calling it "Rocks Box"...


Rocks box, lol............
Ummmmmmm, i havent seen mine yet, my wife has been witholding, well u know..... i need those hot hands back.....
Rockmeister said:
onlyblue said:
Ummmmmmm, i havent seen mine yet, my wife has been witholding, well u know..... i need those hot hands back.....


Well... Hmmmmm...

What's it worth to ya? ;):D

If you ever want me to be able to come out and play, i NEED one! You have to show some love to the guinea pig!!!!!
