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nytro xtx vs phazer fx ride


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Dec 3, 2006
Hampton, NH
For those of you that have ridden both.... how would you compare? One of my biggest pet pieves on my phazer is the fact that it scares me in the corners... it jsut wants to lift that inside ski and tip. I've played with the suspension and the shocks to try to fix it, but no real luck. Tightening up the limiter strap helped.... but still. Does the xtx have that same scary tippy feel? You should see me tryign to keep up with my friend on a 500ss revxp in the corners... i'm on the verge of out of control and he barely even has to move.

I rode a friend's XTX a couple weeks ago. Suspension was all stock settings and the XTX was very stable (unlike my FX Nytro with stock suspension settings). He was easily keeping up with the XP600 X-package in front of him. I followed him for 250 miles and never saw any ski lift. I rode the Phazer this afternoon, and yes, you really have to hang off the side of the sled to corner with much speed.
Not sure about your riding style, but I have an 07 Fx Phaser and an 08 Fx Nytro. I love my Nytro, but when it comes to cornering and big bumps, you can't beat the Phaser. It is lacking a little power, but with some body imput I can wip up the revs I ride with in the twisties on an 80 hp Phaser. The Nytro Will do the same thing, but definately takes more effort in the twisties. My 2 cents :yam:
I would like to think I have a aggressive riding style. I love the rider forward of the phazer and how its so easy to stand up. I have found to get it to corner you need to get up on the front of the sled and hang off the side. The problem is where the seat/gas tank meet, that area is tall and I can't lean over to the side (short legs). I have to go further back on the sled so I can still keep my leg hooked and go up and over the seat. With the xtx it looks like i can keep my fooy hooked and get up on the sled a lot more
