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Oil Change - Special Wrench Needed?


Dec 15, 2007
Reaction score
Machias, Maine
My bro was telling me that when he had his apex serviced, they used an extra long hex wrench to loosen some hose down below the engine.

Will I need to purchase any special tools to change my oil?

I think he was talking about the rubber boots that connect to the air box. You will need a long t-handle 4or5 ?mm wrench. It also helps to have 4-5mm? 3/8 drive socket with a long tourque bar for the drain plug as it is tight from the factory.
Yes, the rubber boots attached to the airbox require a 4mm t-handle allen wrench, and the bolt itself to drain the oil pan is best done with a 6mm allen socket. I believe the rest of the tools needed are just regular sockets and screwdrivers.
I don't have it here at work, but I'm guessing about 5 inches. I can tell you in the morning for sure.
I don't think I'd have a problem getting to the oil filter but more so getting to a hex screw down under the engine as it was described to me.

So you don't need anything huge to get at it then like I was thinking. 5" should do the trick? Maybe an extension on a screwdriver with a 5mm allen bit?
drewfus04 said:
I don't think I'd have a problem getting to the oil filter but more so getting to a hex screw down under the engine as it was described to me.

So you don't need anything huge to get at it then like I was thinking. 5" should do the trick? Maybe an extension on a screwdriver with a 5mm allen bit?

when i first changed the filter i used a large pair of channel locks to get the filter off, then i decided to use the k&n filter, much easier ;)!
drewfus04 said:
I don't think I'd have a problem getting to the oil filter but more so getting to a hex screw down under the engine as it was described to me.

So you don't need anything huge to get at it then like I was thinking. 5" should do the trick? Maybe an extension on a screwdriver with a 5mm allen bit?

Just use a 5 mm allen "socket" with a 3/8" ratchet with extensions. Just be careful with torque when retightening. This is what I used.
You've gone from 4mm to 5mm, but I say you should stick with 4mm T handle Allen wrench and mine is total 5 5/8 inches long(small handle and actual shaft length is 5 inches). The problem is that these are four clamps that you are undoing on those boots and it is tight in there. If you start using extensions and socket, you may come apart, no big deal but why not get the T handle for 6 bucks? and then you got it forever. As far as torque for retightening, I just count number of full turns(8), again though, with a T handle you can't go wrong cause you can only snug it so much. It just has to be snug, it is only a rubber boot.
Alright so it's not too far down in there then.. I have some 5-6" hex wrenches from my R1 I could use.

About the oil... Are you guys using just regular mobil 1 0w30 or is it a special snowmobile racing type? I reason I ask is because I'm using mobil 1 mx4t in my bike and didn't know if all that #*$&@ in reg. mobil 1 would mess with our apex engines like it does with the bike engines?

