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Oil in my Airbox 09 Nytro XTX


Oct 20, 2009
Traverse City, MI
Has anyone had this issue? If I get my sled upside down it runs oil from the sump into my airbox and ultimatly ends up deadheading a piston. Clean up isn't fun, oil's expensive and finding enough oil in the middle of a ride is hard. I'd like to get that re-routed and possibly even intall a catch can or maybe even some sort of check valve. Has anyone fixed this or is there a site you know of where I can get help? Also wondering if rerouting would cause an engine code failure, regarding emissions.



arteeex said:
Check in the classifieds. http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php?t=76357

The oil tank is vented with a big 'ol hose to the air box. When you're sled is track side up the oil can fill up the box. It's best to stay upright.

I bought one of those a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for a tether for my Nytro... the solenoid valve on the breather tube was a bonus to the tether functionality and works pretty slick... nice piece of work this guy put together:

I had issues with oil in the airbox of my 08 nytro rtx.. Installed a cheap (old Castrol brake fluid container) "catch can" myself. I zip-tied to the front frame in front of the oil tank.. Rerouted my oil breather tube and a few other "overflows & such" into that.. Never had a problem. No codes, ran all year long, over 2K miles after that. I feel best to get that crappy hot oil mist out of my airbox..
