
local 25

Nov 3, 2003
Reaction score
Boston mass
Not sure if the right place for this question so remove if necessary.
I just bought these 1999 V Max 500 liquid cooled sleds. The man I bought them from drove them once. Put them in the trailer and never opened it again. I just picked them up in Mass and headed back home to Rangeley. The trailer also only has one use on it. They have 121 miles on one and 126 on the other. There is no fuel in the tanks. Not sure if it all evaporated or he properly drained them. They look clean inside. How would I go about starting them. Obviously they need batteries but I was wondering if oil should be squirted in the cylinders and those type of things. What should I look for? Thanks.


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This is the 4-stroke side of the TY forum. Although you made get some responses, you could try posting on the two-stroke side of TY.

I had a Vmax 500 Deluxe that I got for my son prior to him upgrading to the 4-stroke Nytro so am familar with your machines. Even if the carbs were drained of fuel, you may still need to remove and disassemble carbs to give them a thorough clearning. Knowing they haven't been turned over for some time, it wouldn't hurt to remove plugs and squirt some oil into the cylinders and pull over w/o plugs to allow oil to coat cylinders and then replace plugs. As for the oil in the oil reservoir, not sure how hard it would be to extract but depending on age of oil you may want to try and drain and refill with new. I'd also check the air box and other areas to ensure no critters didn't invoked squatter rigths. Other than that, sounds like you found yourself a nice find with the low mileage on them and the trailer.
