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Real MPG info please

There is quite a bit of difference between the Nytro and my 08 Vector Gt. On my last trail ride hard packed snow, temp was between -12 morning and +5 afternoon. I left full and at the 100mi (160km). mark I filled up and took 19L or 5U.S gal. or 4.1Ca. gal. Thats about 23.8 M.P.G riding at a good clip between 40-65mph the entire day. For the time I've had it I would average about 21MPG At this point the sled only has 900mi on it as I got it in late Feb. :4STroke:

I've never been able to get even 100 miles out of a tank on my standard Nytro. That works out to 13 mpg while practicing for racing. The bad thing about that is on my Vector, the worst I ever got was 13 mpg while racing! I've seen 8 mpg in wet conditions while racing my Nytro. The higher HP motor drinks more gas.

Truth be told, Yamaha went with the stupid 7.4 gallon tank to lower their wet weight number. Now if you listen to Crewchief47 he'll tell you that you're an anomaly if you are getting anything less than 100 miles per tank. This coming from a guy who rides an MTX in Ontario.

If you ride fast & hard and want to be assured you can go at least 100-120 miles, you need a big tank.
I have only gotten 100 miles out of a tank one time, and I was doing about 50 mph for the last 20 miles to get that far.

We did 120 miles yesterday and I got 13.5 mpg....I don't check mileage every time, but that is generally what I get. I ride with Skyboz who also has a Nytro, and he gets the exact same thing.

If you get 120 miles out of a tank, you must be 'cruising' around 60 and light on the flipper.
I know 5 other guys with Nytro's and ride alot with one of them. They say 14-15 also. I just don't see how 120 miles can be done with any confidence of making it to a gas station. I'm not complaining as fuel isn't a issue where I ride. I wish I could say I can get 120 but I just don't think mine will do it.
I have 2400 miles put on street bike muffler at 100 miles and get 16mpg all day getting over 100 miles on tank and ride balls out all the time
After a thousand miles the sled I consistently saw between 16 and 18 MPG (US gal.) on the trails in northern Minnesota. Filling up with around 100-miles would usually take 5.5 to 6 gallons.
Greg du Vermont said:
Big difference between going 120 miles and 100. Keep the MPG experiences coming. Any reason to think that the '09 SE's would be any better?

Beyond me why Yami puts this huge negative on the showroom floor. Less weight!!!! It's crazy and I will not reward it by buying a $300+ after market tank. I would sooner buy a SD 1200.

I have an RTX and ride it hard and play around in the fresh etc all the time. Atleast a 100 miles sometimes 120 if I'm just riding sane.

If I was buying a new sled it would be another nytro with and buy the 10 gallon tank again and thats after riding the new 1200. It's not the same type of sled, the 1200 isn't as aggressive and it does not pull nearly like the Nytro.

Small tank is total BS though, Yama is not the only one to do this. Other 4's have done it also. STUPID tho
Three trips to Canada this year. Ran out of gas twice......Fortunately we have two revs with external cans so Im usually never worried.

I was very interested in the mileage.

In prime conditions: Cold, hard packed groomed trails average speed 30-50mph with a focus on trying to get as many MPG's and the tank filled so it spilled out on the seat when I filled up.

100-105 miles when I ran out both times.

I find it very very hard to believe someone could get 120 miles out of a tank unless there is variablility in the amount of usable fuel because of the fuel pickups?

In soft conditions on warmer days or breaking trail you could probably knock off 10 miles. 90miles would be the limit.
arteeex said:
After a thousand miles the sled I consistently saw between 16 and 18 MPG (US gal.) on the trails in northern Minnesota. Filling up with around 100-miles would usually take 5.5 to 6 gallons.

I would agree with the MPG's but the usable fuel is just over 6 gallons when I run out.
Scranton1 said:
arteeex said:
After a thousand miles the sled I consistently saw between 16 and 18 MPG (US gal.) on the trails in northern Minnesota. Filling up with around 100-miles would usually take 5.5 to 6 gallons.

I would agree with the MPG's but the usable fuel is just over 6 gallons when I run out.

Thats odd, I read on here that many that have run out have had to put over 7 gallons meaning almost all fuel was used :dunno:
Even though the fuel pump/pick-up is at the back of the tank, I've had mine cut out and die when the sled is pointed uphill. The ride where I got just under 100 miles, the sled cut out while riding through some powder (rear end was trenching) then it died while I waited to cross the highway on a sloped driveway. I picked the sled up in the rear and I think that was enough to fill the hollowed area in the bottom of the tank that runs down the center. My sled fired up no problem but proceeded to cut out another 4 times as I slowly rode the last mile home on my neighborhood street. I didn't think the sled was going to make it. I filled it up with 1 gallon of gas when I got home, rode 3 miles to the station the next day and it took 6.4 gallons.

I'd be very interested in seeing pictures of the trails where guys say they ride wide open, balls out and get over 100 miles out of a 7.4 tank. 100 KM sure, but WFO and getting over 13.5 mpg, I just don't see it.

When I ran the the I-150 XC race in Willow, AK we did 50 mile loops at -1 below and 20-25 miles of the loop was on a river running as fast as you dared to hold the throttle to bar. The snow was extremely hard packed and fast. The rest of the loop was something like 10 miles of tight trails and whoops and the other 15 was swamp running where you could run at least 3/4 throttle. I got well under 13 mpg and there was no way in hell I could have gone two laps (100 miles) on a stock tank in that race.
I have an MTX and have gotten as little as 35 miles to a tank. I usually get 40-60 depending on snow conditions. Mileage will strictly depend on how hard you ride and how much load is on the sled (snow depth and water content). Usuable fuel on the MTX is 6.9 gallons.
