Red fitting for fuel return (mainly 2017 model Sidewinders) need to be drilled out

Thunder Products

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Nov 11, 2016
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Cedarville, MI
Yamaha, Polaris, AC and Ski-Doo
Cedarville, MI
Because Thunder Products Clutching does a ton of flash tunes and reminding everyone that the red fuel return fitting, located above the clutch guard, needs to be drilled out or replaced with the new black fitting that Yamaha now puts in the 2018 and later Sidewinders.

Part # 8KC-F4376-10-00 (This is the new part number from Yamaha and is $3.15 retail.

You can still use the same red fitting, but it must be drilled out. Look into the larger diameter end and you will see where the fitting has a smaller diameter inside. This is what you need to drill larger.

What does this cause if you do not drill it out?
Answer: The sled will work fine until you want the most out of your sled.....but when you want mph over 113mph, the sled will "cut-off" or not pull anymore. It's even worse after a tune is installed. Have heard of one instance where the operator was standing up and the sled cutt-off, almost putting him over the handlebars.

Every sled that comes into our shop gets the fitting drilled out.

Craig's Sidewinder, a sled I recently put a clutch kit in, blow-off valve, Stage 2 tune and machined the offset.....I must have missed drilling out the fitting as we were unbelievably swamped. Craig took his sled out and said he got his butt handed to him by a stock 850 doo. Said the sled would not go faster than 113mph. I knew right away what happened and drove to pick up his sled. Rechecked everything, drilled out the fitting and delivered his sled back to him. This morning I got a text that says "The Ski-Doo 850 can't hang with me anymore!;)!" And with 127mph now, Craig is very happy!
what drill bit size do you use?
I haven't done that mod and for getting these sleds in and out, I only do what is needed to make the sled run.

Ty 4 stroke is mentioned to all of my customers and if they choose to go that route, it is their call. But everything does get mentioned.
