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Replacing A Arms


Feb 27, 2007
As one can expect I am not in the financial position I was a year ago, so I am trying to save a little money, so I wil pose the following questions.

1) Roughly how much to have A Arms replaced by dealer?? 1 side

2) Is it a job that a novice mechanic could do by himself? Does not look that difficult. Just make sure tourqued to the proper spces, which I ran accross doing a search.



Not all tht hard. Just unbolt and replace it then rebolt it back together. While you have it off you could install some grese zerk in them.
I did it and was so easy, actually I bent mine after 225 miles. I put the right ski in a culvert and spun it around and fliped over. Bent both upper and lower, bent shock, messed it up good, Took it all apart, both sides. I put the bent parts in a vise and spent alot of time to get back into shape, it was very hard to do. I now have 3300 miles and you cannot notice or feel it in any way. Steers straight as an arrow with no sighs of damage.
