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reverse or engaging the reverse gear


Oct 12, 2012
Is it normal for it to be very difficult or "Tricky" to engage the reverse gear?

I find that almost every time I try to put it in to reverse, I have to bump the throttle and move the sled forward a half foot or it just won't go in to reverse

Is this normal??

I am not sure if thats normal, but I have to do the same but not all the time, just the odd time the lever won't drop down and I will have to give it a shot of gas.
What I do when mine won't go into reverse is to just grab the bars and "jiggle" the sled or scoot it back and forth while sitting on it. You just have move it a little bit to get the gears to line up, works every time. My buddy has a Phazer with the electric reverse and every time it wouldn't go into reverse, he would take it back to the dealer. After about 4 times of not finding anything wrong, the mechanic told him to do the "butt scoot" and it works every time. Lol.
Sometimes it will help to adjust the linkage like the manual sais, I dont have the manual on this pc but I think you adjusted it to be close to zero slack. One of the nuts/threads on the adjuster rod is links.
Also use some spray-grease on the linkage. (grease that doesnt thicken that much at subzero temperatures).
linkage often hits on the footwell bracket ... adjust linkage or make a hole in the piece thatthe link is hitting off of.
i find that if i pull the handle to the right first it kinda releases it then its no problem to put in reverse. i hold the brake too, not sure if its helping but in my head it makes it easier lol.
