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Riding alone?

2008 Nytro RTX

TY 4 Stroke God
Dec 23, 2007
Does anyone ride alone? I am considering putting on 90 miles tomrrow,Can't get anyone to go with me. You think its worth the shot? Because everyone will be free and are riding on Saturday

I ride by my self all the time I drive all the way to the UP & ride all day u meet a lot of nice people , have fun . :moon:
What would happen if you were to break down,How would you get the sled out of the woods?

I don't know anyone with a truck,Thats what scares me
I ride alone a couple times every year. When it comes to snowmobiling, you have to ride when you have a chance. If your buddies don't have the same days off etc. If you have a cell phone, there should be no worries. Plus you have a Nytro.
You have a Yamaha, it shouldn't break down as long as you maintain your sled.

I tend to ride a little more conservatively while riding alone. Just stick to the trails, ride during the day and don't "explore" or "try something" that may put you in a predicament.

Another thing is there are many other riders out there that are always willing to help out. I can't believe how many times I've just stopped out in the bush appreciating nature and riders would always slow down and ask if I'm alright.

Another tip is to carry a tow strap, just in case you need to tow someone else, or if by some miracle, you break down.
I ride by myself all the time. Just use your head be prepared in case you do break down. I try not to go to far off the beaten path in case I do run into trouble.
I just put on 100 miles today by myself. If you can carry a tow strap and cell phone, should be a must. Usually all trail riders are willing to help when someone is in need. Maybe someone on here is from your area thats on TY that would like to go riding with you. I'll ride with anyone, but I just love to ride. It is alittle nerve wracking at first. Best recommendation, stay one trails you know like the back of your hand. So if anything does happen you can pinpoint your location to someone if its an emergency. Just think SAFETY as much as possible and you should be all good. Good luck and ride safe and have fun. ;)!

P.S. If you ever make it out to Wisconsin I'll ride with you.
My biggest problem here is I don't have a truck and trailer,So I were too break down ( knock on wood ) I would have no way to get home
ride alone if u have to, the more ppl the better, and bring a ratchet strap... pull urslef out if ur stuck and around trees, or someone u meet on trail could tow ya... and i dont mean a dinky strap... lol
Usually ride with my buddies, because we all grew up with the two strokes and often digested a cylinder among one of us smoken across the lake. The Apex and Nytro engines are bullet-proof! Still like to ride with the buddies, but not afraid to shoot out by myself with the reliability that I have experienced with the 4-Stroke Yamaha motor. I have helped many others on the trail, payback for back in the day when I needed a tow!
I would not hesitate to ride alone during the day. Especially on well used trails. I probably would not advise it at night. You crash and there is a good chance you wont get found by anyone until morning...
