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Riding alone?

I ride alone all the time got screwed once ran out of gas but #*$&@ happens sat phone is nice!

2008 Nytro RTX said:
Well I decided that I am going to ride by my self,Plan to put on around 100 miles today. WIsh me luck guys

I've never been a fan of riding alone but if you keep your head and don't do anything crazy you'll probably be fine. Good Luck
I kind of like riding alone, in fact this weekend is going to nice and sunny so I am going to make a trip to the farm and back ...about 330km. What I like about riding alone is that there is nobody else to complain about the ride being too slow, too fast, too bumpy, too much trail riding blah blah blah.
Trails weren't broken in so I wasn't going to do that by my self,So I only road about 20 miles. I went to go fill up and I forgot my wallet home. So I had to ride home grab my wallet and pay for the gas.
I work shift work 7 days on 7 days off so on my days off if nobody else can ride I ride alone. I also ride to work most days. I find riding alone is very relaxing. I can ride at my own pace and go where I want go with out worrying about what everyone else wants to do. Don't get me wrong I also enjoy riding with friends and sometimes even the wife.
2008 Nytro RTX said:
Trails weren't broken in so I wasn't going to do that by my self,So I only road about 20 miles. I went to go fill up and I forgot my wallet home. So I had to ride home grab my wallet and pay for the gas.

LMAO - I'm glad I'm not the only one that has done that dumba$$ move and forgot there wallet. :o| Ya that really does suck. I just did that a couple of days ago. You get all excieted jump on and go and the aww crap. Well good luck on riding alone. Ride hard and safe. :Rockon:
I knew I forgot my wallet before I pumped,But I had to get the gas. My light was on and no way I was going home then back. So I went in played dumb,I gave them my sled registration and went home and got it. Luckily they were understanding people and not assholes. Since my riding buddy is an #*$&@ looks like I am on my own tomorrow. Just hope the trails are broken in tomorrow. Don't want to turn around again ahahahaha
I am 43 and have been riding alone since I was 12 or so. I have done well over 200 miles in a day. It dosnt bother me, just keep up on the sled maint and ride on the right side of the trail. I have been a little freaked out before when I was lost at night and running low on fuel.
i was always told to ride with a buddy, but never followed it haha, l like riding by myself because i find that i'm usually goin faster and stopping less, i usually do 100-150 by myself
I have rode quite a lot by myself, kind of enjoyable, but honestly lately I am afraid to ride alone because of all the problems I am having with the nytro. Right now it has a problem where it misses (like you shut the key off) then come back on? WTfudge.
