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Rode my wifes Vector ER...SWEET!!


May 19, 2003
Upstate NY
With all the snow here in upstate NY we had a chance to take the family out for a ride this Sunday. My wife had her maiden voyage on the Vector ER. last year she rode the Sabercat 500 LX and really liked it. I only have about 260 miles on the F6 SP and its running great. A set of C&A pro's lets it carve up the trails and the sno pro suspension has worked GREAT. Not to stiff either...........Anyway, on the way home i switched sleds and rode the Vector ER...WOW. I'm blown away on how light it feels compared to my 04 Warrior. The new suspension (front and rear) work very well together. minimal ski lift, great transfer, better hook up than the 1.375 on the f6. .....The bottom and mid range is sweet as hell. SMOOTH!! The sled feels almost as light as the f6...Believe me here, i can't believe it either!!! I could ride this sled all day. ...My wife couldn't wait to get back on the Vector. She say's the f6 felt like a tin can ready to fall apart...ouch!! that hurts :banghead: If you get a chance to ride one you'll see what i mean. 06 may find others taking the plunge to a 4-stroke. If Yamaha had more of a rider forward position many would learn to appriciate what a 4-stoke has to offer. The wieght of the Vector is a NON ISSUE...I hit some sections of the trail that were beat REAL bad and the Vector eat it up..............This Vector runs and feels much better than the 04 Warrior in every way. Put a new skid in the Rage and many will jump at it....I must sound like selling Yamaha here but i blown away...Trust me, i love the f6 but this Vector caught me by surprise!!!

The Vector is a girlyman's sled, just ask sleddersteve.

Just kidding, this has been an online joke going around. Don't be offended if you ride one.
impalapower said:
The Vector is a girlyman's sled, just ask sleddersteve.

Now I'm really getting mad. For making fun of my bent sexuality you should be banned and all of your 24,857 lousy posts should be erased!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The vector besides being down 20 HP (which steroi....er a turbo would fix) is in some ways a better sled than the 'X'

Well gotta tell ya, rode the ladies Vector today, very nice handling sled feels like a 490lb. sled, great ride and all but just doesn't have the balls of the rx1, don't get me wrong it pulls well but not even close to the thrill and pull of the big brother. Is it a ladies sled no it will give anyone a thrill and you can throw it around, but yami give me the same feel but with a 135+ hp engine. If yami comes out with a rx1 motor and a feel of the Vector but the susp. of the rx1 I'll sell my 05 rx1 and buy that for 06.
srx600 said:
Put a new skid in the Rage and many will jump at it....
Just out of curiousity, were you able to ride a Rage? For whatever reason it rides different than the Warrior even though it shares the same skid.

I really like mine.. er my wife's, yeah, that's it, I'm just breaking it in for my wife. :wink:
SledderSteve....No, never had an opportunity to ride a Rage. I have an invite from a local dealer to try the new 06 stuff out in February. Hope they have one to ride then.
