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rox riser, throttle cable issues


Mar 15, 2007
2007 attak
installed adjustable 4-6" rox riser from rich motors sports last weekend,
looks & feels amazing. one problem... the t.o.r.s is now activated & i can not get it off unless i unhook throttle cable from thumb lever.
do you need a throttle cable extension with rox risers ?
it was my understanding the stock cable was o.k ?

i should revise this a little... it's the adjustable 3-7" rox riser with the rox yamaha adaptor. this puts the total hieght of bars 3" above stock & i can move them forwards or back to any position.

i again have been told stock cable will work.... but no luck, going to try the mountain cable per your guys suggestions.

thanks !, will let you know !

I'm having a similar issue as you are except my TORS only kicks in when I turn all the way to the left. It is putting too much stretch on the throttle cable. I only put on a two inch riser. I will probably be adding a throttle cable extension before winter. Have never done one before so I'm not sure how hard/easy it is. Need to check with my dealer. Good luck!
I put a 2 inch riser on mine it also activated the tors only when turning right so i traced down every inch of cable i could find making sure it was the shortest route still wasn't enough so i loosened the screws that hold throttle assembly and moved it down approx half inch now there is plenty of slack maybe give it a try
Nice idea moving the throttle assembly! I'm going to give that a try and see if it helps. I'd obviously rather do that than put on a cable extension.
sburtch said:
2007 attak
installed adjustable 4-6" rox riser .............

You need the mountain cable, then you will have no issues.
this is so annoying, thier was so many posts on here about cable length with 2 inch riser now all of a sudden thier is all these issues with cable being to short and activating tors, by the way what is tors, how come no one mentioned this before i wish i could get a straight answer
T.O.R.S. (Throttle Over-Ride System), it senses problem with the throttle and limits rpm so there is no chance of sled sticking wide open and hitting a tree
I know it seems like a lot of issues but the added benefits are way worth the trouble
the way i understand it with both apex models anything more than two inches requires longer cables
yea thats what i thought 2 inches would be good but now guys are saying that 2 inch activates tores so even 2 inch need longer cables
apexgt4life said:
yea thats what i thought 2 inches would be good but now guys are saying that 2 inch activates tores so even 2 inch need longer cables
well it does stretch ya to your limit but it can be finessed to work I think mine would have been fine it i would have removed the cable and wire holder but i really wanted it left in place
I was able to ride mine all last season with the two inch riser and no cable extension. My TORS would only activate if I turned my bars ALL THE WAY to the left. If I knew I had to make a sharp turnaround I would just try and make it by turning to the right (this was my "workaround"). You will never be going 50mph and have to crank your bars all the way in one direction,,, I hope!!! If so you're in for a whole lot of other trouble as you can imagine..... I'm going to make sure my cable is running the shortest distance and try repositioning my throttle assembly before I install an extension this season.
i have ordered the cable for the apex mountain, will update you on results in a few days.

to clarify i have the 3-7" adjustable rox riser with the yamaha rox adaptor.
my overall hieght can be adjusted 2-3" above stock hieght & bars can be moved forwards & back. even at lowest point, cable re-routed the tors is on, skis straight.

thank for all the input guys !

Did you order the cable through your dealer? Is it from Yamaha or is it aftermarket? Can I ask what it landed up costing you? Thanks.
