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RX-1 2003 Pushing Oil


Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
CT & VT & NH
I have a friend that has an 2003 RX-1 with about 3,000 mile.
The sled runs great, but uses oil. I've noticed when following him his sled smells and spits black oil droplets.

The dealer said he hasn't seen a problem, 3000 miles is not a lot.
Could be rings or some kind of clog ???

Any help would be great!

In 04 there was a ring update to help with this problem. 03's are ok, but you have to be aware of the problem and maintain it accordingly.... do NOT use fuel any greater than 87 - high octane fuel will not burn as fully and will result in carbon buildup and stuck rings. Also, treat the engine with seafoam or ringfree occasionally.

If its real bad (sounds like it is) and seafoam won't clean it up, it may be necessary to rip the engine apart for new rings. Do compression and leakdown tests and post results.
I've seen a lot of different threads about the updated rings in 04 so I checked the parts finder and found that it's the same part number for 03 and 04 on the pistons and the rings. In 05 there is a different part number on the rings only. Just thought I'd add a little info on this subject, Ken.
