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rx-1 battery vs. vector battery


Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
does anyone know if you can replace the vector battery with the new super light weight rx-1 battery
The new super light battery from yamaha... isnt that light..

Get a battery for a 2000 cbr 600 from a local battery store.. they are only like $20 and are about 7lbs lighter than stock battery!
Vector and RX-1 use same battery box, but you'll have to buy the RX-1 spacers and new cover to make the small battery fit right. cables are different too.
drbrake, the Vector engine has a bigger bore and longer stroke and takes more power to turn over that's why it didn't get used in Vector. If you ride in very cold weather, I'd think twice, especially about the real small aftermarket battery.
No, he's right. The vector does have a bigger bore and stroke. (Amost the same displacement divided by 3 cylinders instead of 4). It probably is a little harder to turn over than the RX-1. I am trying a lightweight gel cell battery from Universal. The stock Vector battery has 270 CCA, the stock RX-1 battery (new) has 210 CCA, mine has 190. It seems to be ok now but I will have to wait until it gets cold.
type787x said:
Vector and RX-1 use same battery box, but you'll have to buy the RX-1 spacers and new cover to make the small battery fit right. cables are different too.
drbrake, the Vector engine has a bigger bore and longer stroke and takes more power to turn over that's why it didn't get used in Vector. If you ride in very cold weather, I'd think twice, especially about the real small aftermarket battery.

THe battery i showed ya all is a AWSOME battery.. I didnt even notice a difference in performance.. and its about half the weight!!

I used a large piece of foam under the batter box on top of the battery to take up the extra space..ANd cable attachment is NO PROBLEM!!

What is a 2000 cbr 600?

Sorry for being so dumb.
