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RX reverse gear grinding


Mar 19, 2007
Northern NJ - Ride in Southwest VT
I have an 03 RX 1 with 1800 miles on it. When I put it into reverse, I have to hold it to the left side of the sled to get it to stay in reverse and that its good for getting it off the trailer only. Once on the trail, all you hear is grinding. I've adjusted the rod per the manual and ready to open up the chain case. Is this typically a bent fork or gear cog wear? How long should this repair take? Anything else that needs to be done while in the chain case? This sled is a beast to get unstuck without reverse.

Are the adjustments specs right on the money or do you need to play with the adjustment some.
Thanks for any guidance.


happened to my buddy on his 03 rx1,the reverse lever was hitting the wire harness that runs up there.
good luck D
Its badly adjusted.

Open the hood and take the side panel off. Take a look at the adjustment screws and take a look at the reverse lever.

You'll notice that the reverse lever has a roller that runs in a guide, and that its the movement to the LEFT that actually moves the reverse linkage. Your problem is that it isn't moving it to the left far enough. What you want to do is adjust the linkage such that the roller is snug against the RIGHT side of the guide when the machine is in FORWARD. Not so much that it actually moves the linkage, just so that the roller is snug.

Note: if you have ground the gears too much, you may have damaged them.
Can I take the linkage off and manually push it to confirm if my reverse gear is gone? My sled did take a hit last year and ended up replacing the left bulk head. Would this have any impact on the adjustment? Just thinking of other issues...like if the motor is twisted slightly. It runs and tracks fine.

Thanks for the advice...
Why? Just adjust it. If it still grinds when it is adjusted correctly, then your gears are shot. This has nothing to do with impacts or twisting your engine (how do you twist an engine? It would crack and be garbage before it twisted.), it has to do with applying proper maintenance when it is required rather than letting it grind forever. You should have adjusted it the FIRST TIME you heard it grind.
The adjustments have to be dead nuts on for the thing to shift smoothly. The measurement is 1.06" between the nuts on the top (horizontal) reverse connecting rod. This assumes that you did not change the length of or bend the vertical rod. Mine was not right on Delivery. I played with it for an hour or two. Then I bought the Tech manual, got the dimension and set it to that. Never had a problem with it since.

You can pull the cover to see if you have messed up the gears. But they are very healthy. I would bet, if you get it adjusted correctly, it will shift fine.
A few other factoids....I've had this sled for two seasons. The reverse issue reared its head at the end of season 1. Adjusted per manual over the summer and it worked for maybe one weekend. So I used the manual reverse process...but this thing is way too heavy.

On the bulk head replacement, I thought if the motor was twisted slightly in the frame it may have an impact. These sleds are not at my house, so I can't run outside and look at the cables/adjustments to see the linkage set up.

I'm going to open up the box and inspect the cogs first, if they are in good shape, it has to be adjustment based.
No enuf snow to sled.... :o|
Make sure your secondary hasn't moved out towards the side panel. I have seen 2 rx-1 that the bearing holder came loose and it makes the exact same noise yours is. I'd take the cover off andcheck thetop nut and gear. Maxdlx
I had the top nut come loose once. The Bearing holder on the PTO side apparently held everything in place. I did not notice any change in noise or performance. Just found the nut loose.

Now, I put the wrench on the nut and turned it much tighter than I have in the past by using the Secondary to turn the shaft. I also gave it a healthy dose of locktite.
