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Search is Broke


Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Whats the deal with the Search.... it seams broke I keep getting: No topics or posts met your search criteria.... and all I searched for was "track"
Use Google search guys. Way easier.

Go to "advanced search" to the right of where you type in what you are looking for.

Type in what you are looking for and in the last box in "advanced search" for site or domain type in ty4stroke .com.

Bingo, there it is.

Hold it..... to the right of the search box???

I think he's talking about using google.com to search this site by using the advanced search function there.

Here's a tip for the TY search- sometimes after entering words and hitting 'search' I will look at the results and read one of the posts and decide it's not what I'm looking for and hit the 'back' button. Then you get the 'web page expired' error but if you hit 'refresh' at that point it will take you back to your first search results so you don't have to do the search again.


  • Google.jpg
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Ive found the TY search engine to work just fine. But then again I do a fair amount of legal researching, and those sites all use Bolean search engines. Using Bolean search engines like Crewchief described is not hard, But you have to think of a couple of words that you believe will be in helpful threads. Then type those words into the search function with the word "and" in between them. You put an "and" in between all of your search words. If you dont do this you'll get the threads with the most hits on any of your words.

It's not impossible, but until you get the hang of it you get a lot of irrelevant search hits. It's not "natural language" type searching like google. But then again google finds loads of irrelevant hits also.
Super Sled said:
Ive found the TY search engine to work just fine. But then again I do a fair amount of legal researching, and those sites all use Bolean search engines. Using Bolean search engines like Crewchief described is not hard, But you have to think of a couple of words that you believe will be in helpful threads. Then type those words into the search function with the word "and" in between them. You put an "and" in between all of your search words. If you dont do this you'll get the threads with the most hits on any of your words.

It's not impossible, but until you get the hang of it you get a lot of irrelevant search hits. It's not "natural language" type searching like google. But then again google finds loads of irrelevant hits also.

Yep. I always use AND when I do a search and don't have any issues finding what I am searching for.

Track is too generic of a search term. You need to filter it by selecting a specific sub forum or searching for sled model and track. Track AND apex for instance.
The search worked fine about 4 hrs latter LOL it must have not liked me right then LOL.
It's not working for me either. I tried "apex and bars" in the classified sections and it returned nothing even though I just made a post about selling Apex bars.
It's not working for me either. I tried "apex and bars" in the classified sections and it returned nothing even though I just made a post about selling Apex bars.

If you select sub forum Yamaha Parts and Accessories it works. If you just search in the classifieds forum it doesn't look in the sub forum.
