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Should I move from a RX1 to an Apex for $1200


If you can afford it go for it. However, I would hope it is a mono-shock Apex. Even then you will have to get the heavier spring and re-valve. You may be able to get a used 05 skid and Apex seat and basically you will have gotten very close. I have an 05 RX-1 that I love. I put the upgraded spring re-valved shock, 5 inch riser, and put the Apex seat in. It has a Bender clutch kit and an intake kit and it hauls the mail with or by any Apex. 10,000 + miles and going. What i do like about the RX-1 is you can actually work on the engine ( i.e. plugs, oil, filters ) with out having to take apart the front fascia every time. Just a plan B that could be a better solution if the deal does not work.

Have you driven the sled? It sounds like it.... What did you think? Like it better than the RX1, or were they even? Try it first and see if you like it better. If so, go for it!

I should add that I love my 07 Attak. The Apex you are looking at is a lot like your RX1 also, which sounds like a major plus for you. The Apex has a lot of RX1 genetics in it, just improved on in many aspects.

The only worse aspect/ drawback IMO is oil filter changes are a bigger pita with no access panel on the Apex to it, but that is no deal breaker. You'll love the extra power, the ergonomics are cool, the looks rock, and the seat is better than before.

Just my $.02....


I would start right here 1st in the classified section. If that does not produce any results look at other forums. Out west one of the 1st things the powder hounds do is dump there seat for an aftermarket one. That is where I bought mine for $150 and it was mint. Then there is the recycling market. There are several companies in the mid west that take in wrecks and salvage good parts. Now that the apexes have been out for a few years, they are beginning to get substantial inventory. For example I upgraded my mono suspension to an upgraded apex one as well for a fraction of the cost. In the end there are inexpensive resources out there if you just search a little.
The apex is a superior sled due to it's updates. efi, rear skid . I would do it. For the little difference in price, you are getting a whole lot of money's worth.
