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Snow Trackers on Stock Skies

Ok tks , I order a set . But was hoping someone had them on the stock sidewinder ski .

I have them on my 17 Sidewinder LTX LE, semi aggressive, adjust skies to zero and reduce front ski pressure to where you like it, if your running studs you will need a little more pressure on front skies, you'll have a totally new sled
Do these decrease steering effort?

I have 5.7 pilots on my SW. I'm tired of the darting. I'm contemplating putting my tuners on with snowtrackers.

Or maybe a different runner on the 5.7.
Do these decrease steering effort?

I have 5.7 pilots on my SW. I'm tired of the darting. I'm contemplating putting my tuners on with snowtrackers.

Or maybe a different runner on the 5.7.
Yes steering is effortless with snowtrackers on any ski but any loose snow on the trail and you will push badly through the corners with the tuners and snowtrackers. Dual keel skis don’t work in any trail condition unless it’s hard packed.
