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SNOWTECH ripping on CR10EK plug Theory..

Extended tip plugs are nothing new, they work well on some engines, and others they do not. They are not voodoo or splitfire plugs... they have the potential to increase power for several reasons. They are factory issue on some of the R bikes.

I have posted all of my Dyno data and found a 1.5 HP increase on average throughout the rpm range. The graph and excel spreadsheet are attached.

Personally, I do not feel that the 1.5 - 3 HP increase is worth the time or money. Dollar for Dollar, you can't beat NOS. If you are looking for real "noticable" increases in HP, you have to add NOS or Turbo IMHO.

Anyone is welcome to use my data to support their arguement.


  • CR10EK plugs.pdf
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  • CR10EK plugs.xls
    21 KB · Views: 199
Data? The letter writer doesn't want data! Opinions are what matters!!! LaLaLa
Ya, I got a kick out of that response in the mag too. I take the stock plugs out of a brand new machine and replace them with the cr10ek everytime I get a new machine. They get put into my turbo sleds as well. I have tested them on the timers also. They are worth 3 hundredths of a second in 660 feet, which equates to 3 HP on a stock machine. That is better than v-force reeds in a two-stroke @ 2 hundredths of a second. It is a performance bargain if you ask me. They obviously didn't ask a Yamaha rep that has used or tested them.
My sled is stock with the Cr10's in it. I've won most of the drags I've entered. When I'm just barely pulling the other guy for the win, I thank that extra 2? horsepower. All of the little things add up. Spend the 40 bucks and forget about it. Excellent mod.
YOOPER i think maybe just maybe YOU opened something YOU do not have INFO on???????????? :drink:
nice lookin sled APE!!!!! What windy?? :rocks:
Look around and you can find em' for a little over $5 a pop.

I run CR9EK plugs in my Rage, found a guy on ebay selling off his old racing stock... picked up 20+ plugs for about $2 each.
I agree with Welt, when saying most people here know more than people who write for magazines. I think most of the people here know more than some Dealers!! I think it's a testament to the dedication of all the riders here (so haters, take it easy!!) to figure out solutions to many of the nusance issues we deal with.
Keep it going, guys, we have all summer to bu!!$#!t about all the stuff we should have done this year, and need to do for next!
a few years back when freddie and myself dynoed 3 diff types of plugs
the eks always were 2-3 hp higher than any other plugs including the iridium
its important to remember that its not just the dual ground that promotes a better flame front for more power but the colder heat range which also helps boost power too
Also the fact that the extra tip takes up a little more combustion space and will increase compression a tiny amount which with all the other factors helps this plug to generate more HP.
