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SNOWTECH ripping on CR10EK plug Theory..

SNOWTECH ripping on CR10EK plug theory

After reading about them in these forums, I decided to put them in my RX-1 and try them. I noticed a difference immediately. Snappier throttle response, more midrange get up, and something nobody else has mentioned, better mileage. I bought an Apex at the end of the season and told my dealer I wanted him to put some different plugs in it. He said, "you must mean the CR10EK's". He then told me that he puts them in all his personal and demo sleds. He says he's been using them since they were discovered. He stocks them in his parts department. There are so many guys stating the benefits of these plugs, it baffles me how come some people still demand hard, detailed facts. Just try the darned things. :o|

The CR9EKs are now standard on the R1 street bikes. Yamaha even mentions the dual electrode plugs in their product description of new features.
