Starter slipping on 05 RX1 and a possible cheap fix.

Here is a way to fix your starter clutch from slipping it says to simply shorten the spring to make it fit snugger. Here is a link on how to do it. Wish I would have found this earlier as mine showed no real signs of wear on either the gear that it runs on or the sprag cam bearings but the spring was not as tight as the used one I installed. If it happens to me again I am just going to shorten the spring like it says in the link. ... lutch.html
I had very hard starting sled. Every time it fired clutch disengaged. Fouled plugs and sled would only start above 15 degrees. Finally clutch would just slip. Thought it would be worth describing the sequence we followed.

Lifted left front of sled to allow better access. We used a car ramp under ski. Removed side panel. Removed oil reservoir upper lines and sending unit plug. Removed the two bolts 10 mm and one nut 12mm holding reservoir. Leave the lower line and set off to the side. Removed hex head screws on the flywheel cover. These are different lengths so record the sequence. Remove cover to expose the flywheel. Remove flywheel (we broke a puller). Pull off flywheel only. See picture of flywheel, clutch. Clutch is sandwiched between flywheel and bracket. Remove three hex head screws. Clutch comes right out. It has a direction so pay attention. Lay the clutch flat and carefully remove spring otherwise clutch cams go everywhere. We took the spring apart first. This was the hardest part because it is only a few mm in diameter. Cut 1/4" off spring. Hold one end of the spring and twist the spring so it readily screws back together otherwise it will unscrew itself. Put spring back on clutch. Resin stall in reverse.

Thanks to all who pointed me to this repair. New clutch is $100 to $150 and you must do everything identified except the spring removal shortening and reinstall. This is a real savings.



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I know this is an old thread but I need to perform this fix on my 03 RX1. Do I need a special puller for removing the flywheel or will a standard harmonic balancer puller work. Also, I assume that I cut the 1/4" off the wide part of the spring ans not the tapered part. Correct
I know this is an old thread but I need to perform this fix on my 03 RX1. Do I need a special puller for removing the flywheel or will a standard harmonic balancer puller work. Also, I assume that I cut the 1/4" off the wide part of the spring ans not the tapered part. Correct

I tried doing this and it worked for about 3-4 starts and started slipping again...if you have lots of time it may be worth trying but to me it's not worth doing things twice. Get the crankcase gasket when you order the new sprag clutch just in case it rips (mine did) when removing the cover. Mark your bolts holding the cover on some are longer than others. Blue Loc tite the 3 Allen screws holding the sprag clutch in (mine were backed out when removed the first time) a harmonic balancer puller should work to pull the stator off. You also need a drive clutch holding tool to retourqe the stator bolt (very tight). Keep your fingers on the outside of the case when reinstalling the cover, the magnets inside will pull the cover and squish your fingers if in between.
Replying to this thread as I’m in the same boat. When turning over the starter motor spins but no crank. Same issue as previously mentioned, it worked for awhile and now it won’t crank at all. For some reason I thought I would check the starter motor but it’s good. I still don’t understand how to take the flywheel cover off without pulling motor? I can I get access to some of the hex bolts but there’s about 3-4 that I don’t know I can get a wrench on. I do have the motor strapped up so maybe I can move it just enough to get access. Also to note, I did not see this thread before taking the hex bolts I could get access to out, so hoping I can get them in the right holes if they are different lengths. 07 Yamaha rage GT for reference.
Replying to this thread as I’m in the same boat. When turning over the starter motor spins but no crank. Same issue as previously mentioned, it worked for awhile and now it won’t crank at all. For some reason I thought I would check the starter motor but it’s good. I still don’t understand how to take the flywheel cover off without pulling motor? I can I get access to some of the hex bolts but there’s about 3-4 that I don’t know I can get a wrench on. I do have the motor strapped up so maybe I can move it just enough to get access. Also to note, I did not see this thread before taking the hex bolts I could get access to out, so hoping I can get them in the right holes if they are different lengths. 07 Yamaha rage GT for reference.
You have to remove the exhaust up to the flex pipes in order to move the engine enough to get at those bolts if I remember correctly.
You have to remove the exhaust up to the flex pipes in order to move the engine enough to get at those bolts if I remember correctly.
I don’t see how it is possible to remove the cover? I have the exhaust donuts disconnected, and the entire motor free from connection to frame and all hoses. I can lift the motor a bit but I do not see a way in which I can access the rest of the bolts. I don’t even know if I can pull
The motor right out as the motor hits the frame. Seems like the motor is wider than the frame it sits inside.
I don’t see how it is possible to remove the cover? I have the exhaust donuts disconnected, and the entire motor free from connection to frame and all hoses. I can lift the motor a bit but I do not see a way in which I can access the rest of the bolts. I don’t even know if I can pull
The motor right out as the motor hits the frame. Seems like the motor is wider than the frame it sits inside.
All the hoses and electrical can remain connected. Just have to support the engine from above and remove the mount bolts. Then just move it around a little and the bolts and cover can be removed. I've done many like this.
I cant seem to attach pictures it’s saying the file is too large, I’ve tried on my phone and computer. If I could post that picture it would show that there is virtually no way to get this cover off. This is on an 07 rage GT. I have lifted the motor in multiple ways and I don’t see how this is possible.
Something cheap and easy is if you have Windows 7 or Windows 10 is to use Windows' Snipping Tool. Just open the picture on your computer and then launch the Snipping Tool and snip the picture and then save it. It will be much less in size than the original and will allow you to post to this forum. At least that is what I do.
Or use Windows Snipping Tool to snip an image of your original photo and then post the snipped image will also work too

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