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Studing RipSaw


Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Livonia, MI
How many of you studded or are going to stud your ripsaw just wondering how people will be doing it
I'm putting in 189 1.34" roetin hornets. I came up with my own 3-4-3-4 pattern for the 136" track. I can try to get a pic of my template, or of the track when I'm done if you're interested. Right now I'm in the process of removing the track to make studding easier and installing 1/4" aluminum to the stock tunnel protectors.
Right now there is a little over 1/2" of clearance between the track and stock tunnel protectors. I have the track out to make studding it easier, so I'm going to add a little more protection. I'd rather do that and end up having to replace the front heat exchanger or another part of the tunnel if my track runs loose and there is contact. It's just a little extra safety that is not going to hurt any performance.
A side effect of studding in the center, is that the track 'bows' up in the middle, as opposed to the centrifugul force being shared by all 3 bands of the track. With that many studs, track tension will be crucial! You'll have to at least run it as tight as the factory specs...Should be interesting though!
