SW clutching and any tips

Lots of untuned winders in Ontario, it's about 50%
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Well yea, add $1500 to the price. If you get them out intime you make a bunch more. You don’t you give a discount to make us feel warm and fuzzy and still make what you wanted.
I wouldn't bash them. They gave 700$ back for late '23 deliveries. Only manufaturer to do so and wasn't in the contract last year.
Cat here doesn't require it
I might have the only untuned SW in Canada...lol
x2 I'm in the same predicament and we're both in the same city. :)
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I wouldn't bash them. They gave 700$ back for late '23 deliveries. Only manufaturer to do so and wasn't in the contract last year.
“Surprised” the mrs with a 2022 850 vr1. Today marks the 1 year anniversary of picking it up. Still hasent gotten the stop ride recall done. Technically it shouldn’t be ridden. So missed 22 season, and if I cared about recall would have missed 23 season so the van out kits they do have in their 23 models to get them off floor. As I sat and wondered why they struggled to build them I pointed out (daily) to them that they are to dumb to not leave line up alone so they can stock up on parts and get ahead building. Then 9r a boost models. And bunch of other changes and here they are again in same boat. So yes I think they have the best chassis at the moment, if I was to buy a sled today (rode catalyst this weekend) it would be a Polaris, but they suck as a manufacture for reliability.
