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Tensnioning and aligning my track


Feb 25, 2012
Reaction score
I have a 2005 RS Rage and my track keeps "Ratcheting" under hard acceleration and it also does it if I'm just going fast through a flat field or a lake when i hit little choppy bumps. I put a 1.5" Ripsaw on last year and it only has about 150 miles on it. when I tightened up the track I had about a half inch gap between the track and the bottom of the hyfax my friend told me that this is probably to tight so this weekend I'm gonna loosen it up. also to align it I just tightened each side until they had about the same slack, IDK if there is a better or more precise way of lining it up but if there is I would love your help. I also put new bearings on either side of the drive shaft, cuz I figured it was cheap and I had it apart any ways. thanks for the help
aleigning track

take 24" 2X4 cut one side 1 1/4 the mother would be 1 1/2 attach a strap to it only for reminder
when in under your skid. put it under your skid make adjustment tight to it. adjust by number of turns
Keep your track tight when new as it will stretch and cause your ratcheting issue.

To align my track, I pick a spot near the rear wheel and measure the distance between a track clip and the slider. I then measure the distance of the track clip and slider on the opposite side. If one side is greater than the other, I tighten/loosen one track adjuster until the distances between slider and track are the same on both sides. Remember to tighten the axle bolts when done.
