Took the leap and ordered Slydogs


Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
Over the last few weeks, I almost drove myself insane researching skis. Yesterday I decided enuff was enuff and order a set of powder hounds with 6" shapers.

It down to either C&As XTXs or PHs. Got the best price on the slydogs while a few places told me that there would be a delay on shipping the C&As.

So the decision was made easy.

From my endless reading here, I've summarized the following about slydogs. Please add if I am missing something.

1. Toe in 1/8"
2. Shim in front of rubber.
3. Ski savers
4. Straps up one hole for starters.

I also broke down and ordered a seat jack. Got to keep the boss happy. A happy boss means I'm a happy sledder!! :Rockon:

So hopefully I got a shed night coming sooner than later.

this is probably a stupid question and I've heard people talking about them on this site but what are "ski savers" I don't remember seeing any of them in the catalogs or online stores I buy from. :o| I'm new to the snowmobile scene.

I just bought Curve XS skis so should I get ski savers for them?
New to TY. Just bought 07 Attak with 400 miles two weeks ago. Could you post the info on the seat Jack,I want to buy one for the wife and am interested in hearing how you two like it. I have been doing some checking on the springs since we will be riding 2-up and haven't been able to find much info about riding 2-up on the Attak. The stock spring has 200lbs of compression according to the guys at the dirt track shop. The 8kg spring is over$200.00, so instead I ordered a dirt-track spring with 400lbs of compression for $60.00, so we could try it out before investing in a seat jack. I guessed our weight with our gear on to be about 400lbs :4STroke:
yodiggity said:
New to TY. Just bought 07 Attak with 400 miles two weeks ago. Could you post the info on the seat Jack,I want to buy one for the wife and am interested in hearing how you two like it. I have been doing some checking on the springs since we will be riding 2-up and haven't been able to find much info about riding 2-up on the Attak. The stock spring has 200lbs of compression according to the guys at the dirt track shop. The 8kg spring is over$200.00, so instead I ordered a dirt-track spring with 400lbs of compression for $60.00, so we could try it out before investing in a seat jack. I guessed our weight with our gear on to be about 400lbs :4STroke:
my wife has the same machine...and i too changed the spring..put a jack on it..and it would bottom out with the stock spring..this was with my son on the back..they were around 420lbs..the seat jack is great..just a bit of a paine putting it on and off..always loseing the dame nobs to put it suspention suchs...162 mountain..timbersled tamer...and soon the attack too..
