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Trail Tank---Balance and weight penalty???


Nov 17, 2008
Lake Tahoe
Did an exhaustive search on SW and TY regarding Trail Tanks.

The main points I keep coming across:

First Generation not the best fit and finish
Second generation fit much better-- better installer=better F & F
No one likes the thumb screws
Seth (owner) is a great guy to deal with

My question is this:
How does the extra 3 gallons of fuel (roughly 18lbs) negatively affect the overall balance/ handling of the Nytro. Do you really notice it until you burn off the extra fuel or????

Is the stock fuel sender (gauge) still fairly accurate? Will it let me know that I am about to run out of fuel?

Thanks for the info. Looking for first hand experiences with TT.

weight is centralized where you want it, you wont notice it at all...other than longer days riding...

Stock fuel gauge will still be accurate, you wont have an issue...it jsut stays full longer...
One thing that I have noticed is that you don't want to over fill the TT, it will pass out the vent tube and leave fuel on the deck of your trailer or hauler. I've never noticed any weight changes with the extra weight.
Seth swaped out my tank for the newer gen due to fitment issues with the coolant hoses. Mine fit real tight, windshield cowling,until I took it out and put some miles on it and everything fits pretty nice now. I think it was a good investment. Would do it over.
Because the tank was not available at the first of the 2008 season I spent $$ to buy the tour buddy. The tour buddy works well and is less expensive, but doesn't look the best in my opinion.

I installed the Trail Tank at the beginning of the 2009 season and have had no regrets.

In my opinion if you need the extra fuel the Trail Tank is a very good choice. It took me a bit of work to install it but I am happy with my choice. I haven't noticed any negative handling characteristics from the larger capacity tank.
kind of a "princess and the pea" question isn't it?

you're talking about 3% of the machines weight.

Perfect, real world experiences, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
Anybody else with any real world experiences with the gen2 Trail Tank?

WoolyViper..."princess and the pea" that's pretty funny!!
18 lbs is 18 lbs, 3% of the total weight or not (never thought of it as a percentage). That's why I asked for real world riding experiences. We all spend countless dollars trying to take weight off the Nytro making it lighter or better balanced. Although 18 lbs on a flat land machine probably makes little difference, the Nytro is a mountain machine and I live in the mountains. That was the reason for the question. Thanks for the perspective, "princess and the pea".....still makes me laugh!
Love mine. Fit and finish is good and love having the extra gas! Everything works as advertised. But yes, don't fill it all the way up, she'll vent on ya.
Re: Thanks

murph said:
Anybody else with any real world experiences with the gen2 Trail Tank?
<tongue planted firmly in cheek> Yes, I have found that the weight difference in the fuel load is offset by the ice buildup in the tunnel as the fuel burns off.

The filling issue mentioned by others in this thread is a result of there not being a cute little liner in the filler neck found in the stock tank that discourages you from filling it all the way to the top. With the Trail Tank you just have to imagine that it's there and only fill it to that level or fuel will run out the vent.

Otherwise, it's all been good for me. ;)!

Almost forgot: Here's an interesting link: http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stori ... iPea.shtml
I never went the trail tank way but got the yamaha fuel caddies. Man you want to talk about snow and ice build up there. On a powder day they look like 2 huge snow balls on the back of my sled. Not to mention to me they look as ugly as hell. If I had my time back it would have been TT all the way.

Ah when I get my new MTX next year I will have me one of those fancy trail tanks....... a man can dream can't he
I can feel the added weight but it's worth it for long rides. I usually fill up depending on the riding area. Some areas are close enough to the parking lot where I can run 3-4 gallons at a time and other rides I'll need to put all 10 in. It's nice having the option though, especially if you have to ride 20-30 miles of trail to get to the hills.
I have the new trail tank and on a stock sled it fits easily with no problems. I have not had venting issues yet though. I am sure thru temp changes and the vibration of trailering it is possible. I always removed the white liner on my stock tanks and never had venting issues either. I love it i rode 70 miles yesterday and would have never been able to do so with the stock tank. I can not notice the weight but i just installed the mtn tamer this year as well!!!
