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Turbo Apex missing issue solved


Nov 16, 2011
Cochrane Ontario Canada
In a older post I was having a issue with my sled missing during boost. Well it dosint miss anymore. I lowered the gap on my plugs to .018 from the stock gap.
At the same time I had the fuel pressure guage on and it ran 40-50 psi.
Im running at 12 psi and it revs at 10500, runs great.
Thanks for all the help.

wow, you have a wek ign system.

les hope for you this does not indicate another problem down the road.

now its time to go play with it :jump:
Good to hear it was the plug gap. Back on Nov 20 when I told you about the same problem with my car. It took me a whole summer to figure it out.
Frustrating was'nt it.
When the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber gets denser, the resistance for the spark to jump the gap also goes up (harder to jump). Reason why at part throttle it runs fine but starts to misfire as soon as you experience the richer AFR's at WOT.
A few 1000ths is actually huge when it comes to that resistance.
